Sunday, January 2

new year @ Genting


on friday evening get my self ready for genting packed my things and wait for jin how and lee fen to come and fetch me ^^.. they came around 4 something as we need to reach genting @ 5pm i don think we will make it..we reached there around 6 something took the cable car up to genting it was supper long that i have not taking the cable car up to genting it almost like more than 10 years or so haha..

on the way to genting and lee fen start off with a happy profile picture in my camera

who is driving?? jin how and yong seng will be our driver for the trip^^

while on the way cos a little fun taking photos and talking through the windows haha

GENTING HIGHLANDS!! we are here!!

on the cable car with the lovely girls^^

me and lee yen

me and jin how

finally we reached!!
lee fen stretch out her arms to welcome genting!!

we walked for quite a distand to reach the hotel and it was really cold lucky wore a thick leggings if not my legs were shaking..we walked quite a distand to reach the hotel i totally have not been there for almost like more than 5 years and if u left me there i really gonna get myself lost to all the escalator and stairs @@

smile guys ^^

up and down the escalator haha

everyone with their largage going to first world hotel

we reached!! lol he is the first one to jump on the bed haha

get oursleve ready had our dinner on bed ^^ as my mom wont let me do that at home haha finally got the chance to eat on the bed haha we have chicken rice for dinner..cant find cheap and nice chicken rice in genting haha^^ after dinner chanted our evening gongyo and we get ready oursleve to explore genting ^^

dancing in the hall way haha..

the sweet couples ^^ yong seng is eating ice cream while taking photo haha

the girls

the dudes

picture talking time while waiting for the fireworks for count down!!

the cuties ^^ awww sing lee so cute

gosh what is jin how doing??

this picture is lovely^^ thanks to shirlyn our photographer ^^

i like this picture of him ^^

the night was fun really fun indeed!! we took tones of photo and the guys went in to casino to have a little fun while they are in genting..and us girls just went back to the hotel and have our beauty sleep ^^ but me and lee yen went in to the casino and just look around thats all accompany her in cause she wanted to go in haha..i just go there and look casino cant really compare to the american's casino LIKE DUH!! they are even higher class la hahah!! we went back at around 2 something and we slept cant really sleep actually dont know why..around 4am jin how came back and slept on the floor i pity him wanted to ask him to sleep on the bed but all girls and i dont think he want it..

the next morning me and lee fen were the last 1 to get out from bed and the guys are still sleeping haha..cant really sleep the whole night been tossing and turning left and right only until around 6something i get to sleep..while sleeping half way i felt someone lying down near me and felt something poking and i move it away DIN'T KNOW WAS HIS HANDS >.< ..i open my eyes and it was jin how it give me a fright sweet very long we din't sleep like this already after all the ups and down we been through.. he hugged me for him to fall asleep ^^ i really miss his hugs ^^ it really felt secure and warm while hugging him..I SUPPER DUPPER MISSES HIS HUGS!! and i got them on 1st of JAN, THE WHOLE NEW YEAR FOR's really warm OH HOW I REALLY MISSES HIS HUGS!!
nice post there..haha the 2 guys closing their eyes as lee fen change haha

our morning faces as we just woke up^^

i like this picture too^^ sing lee getting ready^^

we had maggie for breakfast lol maggie?? for breakfast?? haha

as the guys went to casino and jin how bring me along..we cant really bring camera in to the casino so cant take pictures when we were in it haha haiz..the guys in the casino but left sueh ling and shirlyn waiting outside alone chatting haha sad T.T...finally they played finish and off we go ^^ back to the cable car and down we go ^^

me and lee fen finally a picture of both of us ^^

top view of genting

a group photo of very serious la should be fun
but why our pose so serious one??

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