Saturday, January 29

take it slow

finally got a message from my lecturer saying that the presentation will change to after CNY!!! i was jumping up and down when i got the message!!! woo hooo...

can take my time doing it and got time to prepare but i cant take my own sweet time i need to finish up soon!!!

i really miss him so so so freaking much!!
i really wonder what is he doing now?? online doing what i really wanna chat with him...
i really wanna let him know i really miss him so much!!
i really wanna hug him so badly T.T

you're love really is my drug, my keep me on going...

i really miss you badly, wanna talk to you, chat with you, laugh with you, HUG YOU ....T.T

there is 1 thing i'm happy with he like my status in fb^^


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