Friday, April 30

h@pPy B!rThd@Y @h FeI!!!

hey peeps guess what today isAH FAI'S BIRTHDAY!!! plan to celebrate with the gang today!! after the briefing we went to summit to buy cake for him to bad there is no chocolate cake so we choose something different then chocolate...we actually choose walnut cake and it taste even AWESOME!!!

WAH!!! everyone so HAPPY!!!


ah fai and justin he sure always takes the main shoot lol

the birthday cake!! chocolate hazel nut!!

so happy everyone!!

Saturday, April 24

check this out!! awesome music

mizznina ft colby o donis - what you waiting for

baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me want get this party started
hey baby comein tell me what this all
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me wanna get a little notty
hey baby come in get it it's all yours
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

its your birthday
so tell me what's you want it too
its my birthday
im really wanna get with you
drop the beat now and may be we can get it started
will go insane and take you to the after party
so what's your name hey baby what's your name oh yeah
sexys my name yea sexys my name

ok and whats your game hey baby what's your game
ok i like to play..i ..i like to play
baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me want get this party started
hey baby comein tell me what this all
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

baby i never seen someone with your body
you make me wanna get a little notty
hey baby come in get it it's all yours
baby baby
tell me what you what you waiting for

hey sexy girl from kuala lumpur
hey baby that's me i'll be on the dance floor
i got you with surprise we pop in up in VIP
and if i ask nice can i take you home with me

baby let's get crazy come and loose control
you want to tear up after party
i know you wants some more
i wanna see you with that body
baby come and get it
what you what you waiting for


hey today i totally change to be a naughty girl you know why..cause usually my dance practice will end at 10pm and my bro dont know end at what time cause Gym practice does not follow time...and they can practice til like 12am in the morning also can well it's up to them...and i actually call my bro out from the practice at 10.25pm while they are still rehearsing for the 5.3 bad of me...haha

anyway i ask geh hwee to drive fast cause i'm late meeting up with kooi keong my old buddy from secondary!! he really haven change a bit...haha..good good...we brought 2 pints of bottle and we share the drink nice!! thanks kooi keong for the i cant believe nelson and kooi keong really get they talk and talk and time should bring kooi keong join us more get to know more of us haha!!

Thursday, April 22

music videos!!

hey peeps...i feel kinda boring this few days i dont even know why...but i'm crying for NEW SONGS!!! i'm so outdate with songs already i want to download more new and nice songs!!! T.T

S.H.E - shero


Wednesday, April 21

while in my room

haha...while in my room i'm suppose to be doing my assignments but end up i'm on facebook hahaha well of cause i got do my work definately while helping my dear gwen with her animation haha

facebook facebook!!

there u see...i doing my work as well haha

and chatting with my friends haha...

and blogging as well favourite pass time for the day..

OH MY GOD!!! i found such a cute cute phone!! but is from china and my friend ask me dont buy china phone not good de very fast spoiled haiz...but is so cheap it's only 290元 to 490 元 so if you devide in 2 guess how much is the phone...hahah DAMN CHEAP RIGHT!!! ARGH!!! to bad it's china phone haiz...if not i sure buy it already!!

can you believe it!!..

haha...and i found out that the phone is actually Sony Ericsson Idou which means is a Sony ericsson Satio!!! OMG!!! lol...

my next target!! sony ericsson Satio!!!!

Tuesday, April 20



在我 f b 里我一直post上都是我的真心话来的,我就是特地post上去让你看到或感觉到我心里实在想什么i don't think i know you anymore, you aren't the one that i meet since 2 years have change a lot...i miss the old you, i miss you!!’ 但你看到了也没什么反应的,没来跟我说对不起或是你的错我真的很伤心。。

你怎么能让一个女的来为你伤心或担心你都不会自动来跟我说话。。你真是不是以前的你了!! 你真的改变很多啊!!以前你是很会照顾我的,喜欢欺负我,喜欢做弄我到我发脾气的样子,就像哥妹一样。。。但现在都不要同了。。。

我知道人是会改变但不会向你改变到那么多啊!昨天晚上是叫你来帮我因为我真的好怕。。你就说‘你不懂……叫我下心一点啦’。。。哇!那时我心针的碎了, 原来你是这样的!算什么朋友啊!i've finally see the real you...’我知道我不是你的女朋友或是对你重要的,但你是可以给我安慰或帮我啊!!

昨晚真是不能睡,一直哭到凌晨3点多才能睡!你是特地做弄我的吗?!你不要我烦你或不要跟我做朋友就说出来啊!! 不必作到这个地步的!!


Monday, April 19

dream car

hey peeps i finally decided that my dream car will be mini cooper!! i remember that joann say that everyone sure has a dream car but i told her that i dont have a dream car..what ever car that is cheap to buy or my dad give i just use thats it...but thinking of it...and seeing all the cars on the road i finally choose my dream car and started to save money to buy my dream car and that is....MINI COOPER!!! want to know why?? because it's CUTE, SMALL and GIVE MORE FEMALE LIKE!!!

AUSTIN MINI COOPER i will own you soon enough!!
first i have save up tones of money
second chant to have a good fortune to have 'you'
thirdly i will do kosen-rufu with 'you'!!

Sunday, April 18

jungle tracking!!

hey peeps wow today ends with a good work out..guess what?? i went to bukit gasing for around of jungle tracking and it's awesome!! well thought of going to PC fair to find out some price for the laptop and desktop and at the end dint go nelson call and said that next time only join them saying got some problem like what?? lazy to fetch me? dont like to see me? whatever...whatever i wont join you already...lazy to join you guys already...damn it!!

any how in the evening aunty sam called and ask my mom and me whether want to go for jungle tracking at bukit gasing?? the first thing i said is YES!! OF CAUSE!!! dash up to my room to change and waiting for uncle khor to fetch!!

OMG it's so totally awesome!!! aunty sam and my mom panting while climbing and i was like far infront of them waiting for them to reach me haha...uncle khor ask me to keep on going dont stop if not it will be very tiring well thats true haha!!...

we came across some wild monkeys and walked through a suspesion bridge and it was totally fun!! i love all this outdoors activities!! IT'S MY NATURE!!! well of cause i'm a sporty girl!! WOOHOOO!!!

Saturday, April 17


hi hi 今天大家过得好吗?我还好哦因为今天下午都不在家!!哈哈。。。我没跟我妈说我出去哈哈。。好坏蛋的我。。但他都不在家没关系哦!久久一次也没事的。。放心吧。。

今天陪joann去剪头发。。。不懂做么我会答应他。。我真是天真地。。这样也给他骗去了。。哈哈 还好他剪头发没那么就不然我在那里一定发呆的。。



买个新电话有8megapixal 的相机。。。

剪完了就去happy bean 那里吃糖水!哇!好多拴着。。看起来真的很好吃的!!。。没错是那么好吃又甜又新鲜的!!真的好久没吃了!!很想念这种味道了!!

真的太好吃了!! 很喜欢!!很喜欢!!

Friday, April 16

叮噹 - 我愛他

叮噹 - 我愛他





Sunday, April 11

night out!

hey peeps...this sunday wasn't an ordinary sunday..this sunday it's our gakkai having gokuyo day, and later on we will have practice for our performance on MAY 3rd a very important day!! well i follow my dad to kaikan he have his duty i have my practice to tired i actully sleep in the car while aunty margaret, uncle alan and my dad chat all the way to kaikan..hehe..den i have my practice start around 2something and i was in time...thats

after practice and it was like 4.30pm and everyone rush home to have bath and dress up while i stay at kaikan for my bath and pass my bag to my dad easier so dont need to bother other people..haha i wait kaikan for them for like half an hour...and their quite fast man...

depart at 5pm sharp
destination: sunway summer steamboat buffet

total we have 15 people wow what a big group!
we have 3 pots and 2 table!

OMG!! look at all the foods!!!
both table also full with food..
and we begin our dinner!!

yong shen, shue ling and weiling
omg are those fish balls?? THATS A LOT!!
lee fen you sure you can finish them?? lol

we have lots of fun eating while taking photos
man there are so many photos cant upload everyone

omg!! mee shan sure loves her 'lai liu ha' man
her plate is full with all the shells...haha...but it's good thou
RM23++ for a person...

dessert time!! YUMMM!!!

say cheese!!

the four angels!!

after that we when to SS2 there for dessert YUM!!
my favourite meal ever!! DESSERT!!!
having dessert and hearing ghost stories >.<...
and it's night! GOSH!!

we chat and chat til it's like 10 something and all of us decide to go back cause some have class and work in the morning...but hey it was time we going to plan for another gathering but next time will be a trip to somewhere fun AWESOME!!!

last picture for this post...
good post you know why because it's night time
so SSSHH...people need to sleep early...haha

depart at 10.30pm
destination: home

Friday, April 9

my feelings towards you







很想喊啊!!天啊做么多我这样呢!?? 我真得受不了啊!! 是真的很难跨越过这个墙壁啊!!真的太高太难了啊!!


在想我这些问题时突然间看到这套戏。。。很精彩又浪漫就爱上了这套戏叫 Akai Ito (thread of destiny)喜欢爱情故事的女生一定是喜欢的。。我们女生要加油哦!!

我还记得,以前单纯的我看过一套戏但我忘了她叫什么戏到现在才找到原来它叫做 Koizora (sky of love)最喜欢这套戏!!sing with the lyrics it's awesome!!

Saigo no kisu wa
Tabako no flavor ga shita
Nigakute setsunai kaori

Ashita no imagoro niwa
Anata wa doki ni irun darou
Dare wo omotterun darou

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made

Tachidomaru jikan ga
Ugokidasou to shiteru
Wasuretakunai koto bakari

Ashita no imagoro niwa
Watashi wa kitto naiteru
Anata wo omotterun darou

You will always be inside my heart
Itsumo anata dake no basho ga aru kara
I hope that I have a place in your heart too
Now and forever you are still the one
Ima wa mada kanashii love song
Atarashii uta utaeru made

You are always gonna be my love
Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo
I'll remember to love
You taught me how
You are always gonna be the one
Mada kanashii love song
Now and forever

Tuesday, April 6

documentary shooting

hey peeeps got an awesome post for you all...just wanna tell you that i drive back after the documentary shooting AWESOME!!

yesterday night sleep so late because of doing my photoshop assignment..last minute job haha..but it turns out good i think..of cause with a little help from my friends..haha

nice?? nice?? hehe...

woke up so early this morning and rush to college to meet my lecturer but he still not there...waited for like half and hour only he come and i show him my work and dont know what he did to my work that i have to change i cant pass my assignment up today and have to adjust it and send it tomoro...haiz...going to have lots of marks deduct later haiz hate it!!!

after showing him den muz came so me and hinzges when to get the camera and off we go to fetch zul and the location was near zul's house so we start our documentary...we went to the school near zul's house and shoot about 'histiria' something like rasuk hantu...something like that...i not sure what they call it...

i took quite a lot of photos but the thing is that is not my camera...i use muz's DSLR camera and took lots of nice pictures...we shoots lots of location and people that we interviewed about their experience and what they was quite facinating but a bit worry at the same time to do all this and muz and azlan will be going back to the school at night and do something shooting as try to get some footage of the spirits and all...well i dont wanna follow for sure...i dont think i can take it..feels scary haha

after the shooting i ask muz whether i can drive back and he let!! awesome so of we go...everything was going smoothly when i drive no horn from other people, no middle finger from other people until we came to summit behind where there is traffic light...and my side was green so i go and suddely this black stupid car was like still pressing the gas and wan to over shot me STUPID LA HIM...hinzges and muz was like shouting and i was pressing the break and muz keep on pressing the honk to that feller...STUPID DRIVER!!! RECKLESS DRIVER!! lucky it dint not happen i was like chanting daimoku three times and it dint not happen...LUCKY!! thanks to gohonzon protecting me and my friends!!!

well it's not my fault i was in green and muz say it was that driver fault cause he also saw that we were in green and that driver just keep on speeding toward me...CURSE THAT FELLER WHO WAS DRIVING THAT BLACK CAR!!!! STUPID FELLER!!

it was an experience that i dont want it to happen again!!!