Sunday, April 18

jungle tracking!!

hey peeps wow today ends with a good work out..guess what?? i went to bukit gasing for around of jungle tracking and it's awesome!! well thought of going to PC fair to find out some price for the laptop and desktop and at the end dint go nelson call and said that next time only join them saying got some problem like what?? lazy to fetch me? dont like to see me? whatever...whatever i wont join you already...lazy to join you guys already...damn it!!

any how in the evening aunty sam called and ask my mom and me whether want to go for jungle tracking at bukit gasing?? the first thing i said is YES!! OF CAUSE!!! dash up to my room to change and waiting for uncle khor to fetch!!

OMG it's so totally awesome!!! aunty sam and my mom panting while climbing and i was like far infront of them waiting for them to reach me haha...uncle khor ask me to keep on going dont stop if not it will be very tiring well thats true haha!!...

we came across some wild monkeys and walked through a suspesion bridge and it was totally fun!! i love all this outdoors activities!! IT'S MY NATURE!!! well of cause i'm a sporty girl!! WOOHOOO!!!

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