Tuesday, November 16

new piccy!!

my new profile picture!! til dont know when will get new picture..
so will stick to this picture for now!! LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!

hey guy i got new piccy already!!..thanks to the human revolution the musical performance..i love th the costumer very very much and the make up is awesome too!!

new picture that i edit..usually i'm kinda lazy to edit my photos
i just let it be and just upload thanks to CASS seeing her photos that she edit
let me think aiya why not edit some and see the result and hey it turns out AWESOME!!

here are some photos behind the scene of the human revolution the musical on the actual day itself..hehe there are lots more but who cares gonna upload some and u check out the actual event on the day itself!!

but this picture make him looks real old T.T

the bad prist
simon on the right..and i dont know who on the left **sorry

cass the pretty babe that she suppose to be acting in rebuild and dancing in diyong

our makiguchi sensei haha...the make up look so real!!
wow our member in gakkai really amazing talented member we have!!

i love this picture with lee yen babe!!!
we are already angel from kotekitai
and we have to be angels again in the musical!!!


Cassie said...

hehehe.. OMG I got featured in ur blog!!! Awesome!!! Hey btw my pics oways need extreme editting 1, and it's NOT a goog thing lol.. cuz d my ori pics too ugly edi hahaha! XD

Jo@nne said...

lol...u know this pharse u r pretty just the way u are..cass u are pretty la^^

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