Saturday, December 19

baby buddy first road trip!!

lol my dad was rushing me home after i finish my driving lesson...he ask us to get pack and we were off to ipoh aiks...i don want to go back ipoh because of someone there i dont really like to talk to..haiz but no sure still have the face that person the rest of my live..haiz...anyway the happy thing is that this is baby buddy's first trip to ipoh dad ask me why wan to bring de pig back well of cause to accompany when i'm sleeping duh!!...haha

baby buddy first time going to ipoh with the whole family
so excided haha...

baby buddy looking out at the so sooo cute!!!

take picture with baby buddy hehe haha CUTE!!!

when reach to my grandma house everybody look at baby buddy and say to me why bring him back..i say allow him to meet you all haha...all my piggy on the bed has meet everyone except baby buddy so is his lucky day to see everyone and able to step out from the house and enjoy with us his first trip ever..!!

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