Monday, December 21

h@pPy B!rThd@Y k@h Y!n

you can say it was an awesome night ever!! is my dearest babe kah yin's BIRTHDAY!!! and i totally almost forgot!! what kind of friend am i totally forgot her bday i'm so so sorry babe can u forgive me? well she did cos i went for her birthday dinner at wong kok ,pyramid with simon cass they all a totally nice gathering and awesome chit chat and of cos picture all round!! cass asked me to take pictures for her scrap book so hehe(evil laugh) i sure will take LOTS of pictures definately..haha

cassy with her goofy eyes... like all of a sudden they took my picture n i'm not ready..aiks!

a new friend we awesome a japanese guy
FROM japan where can u get a japanese guy
in malaysia...and u know what his super Super KAWAII!!!
and you know what.....
his GF is SUPER pretty too well that picture is in the phone
so you guys cant see it
but i saw it!! in the picture he looks really like a girl man
thats why is Super KAWAII man!!!

gena and of the photoholic ppl

thats him! thats him!! OH NO!! picture ruin NO!!!!
his eyes is close but wait there picture of him
below so can check it out!! aha

traffic light colour haha

my meal for de day we were so hungry
so we order first sorry babe
we eat first o hahaha cos waited for u quite long edi
til my stomach making sound edi...hehe

the BIRTHDAY babe is here!! and her BF of cause!!

her BDAY drink!! so big man...lucky we have lots of ppl!!

the bff "sisters"

aiks what is alywn looking?
is he looking at sho the japanese guy?
what's with the curious eye on his face?

are they dating? omg lol...just kidding

ahhhh...i also wan my mouth is open wide as well

gena ur perfect buy alwyn what's with the mouth..haha

y can see the lightning between them but there is
Zap Zap...and poof!! a heart form on top of the lightning
pictures of us when we are

definatly need to change my hair style already!!
want it straight again!! like last time that i have an awesome hair style!!

kiss kiss muacks muacks

cheese bake rich favourite!!
after meal there was like a picture section where
everybody have their picture taken lol...

alywn smile like a happy day with my friends
to cheer me up and make me think back that i'm not alone
in this world i have my FRIENDS with me
even there is no you...
friends for live man!!


happy birthday to u...happy birthday...happy birthday!!
happy birthday to you........!
after sang and candel saw blown PICTURE TIME again!!
with nelson and wai keen
me and cassy
gena and kaang hui
alwyn and simon
sho and evan
OMG SO CUTE!!! i wish i got a bf like that so perfect!!
so cuddly SO SWEET!!
i always wish for like this like in a love story or novel
when i see them i'm so jealous and so hurt!!

to end my day i will sing to u again happy birthday song and with ur
cake as a u babe!

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