Monday, December 7

nightmare T.T part 1

what a crazy nightmare i have T.T...well you can say is a weirdest nightmare and most adventurest
i have every dream..the first nightmare was about mutants dogs =.= OMG....damn scary and bloody feels like i'm gonna tell a story here goes...

story of mutant dogs....=.=

it started that i'm a american at the age of 15 (somewhere there) in mexico, in a bar restaurant talking to my mexican friend having a drink...and her dad ask whether we could take a picture...after the picture was token a bunch of crazy mexican hunters brought back a head of a coyote (but its a dog head) it was huge and they celebrate with beers and there is 1 guy who is out side hanging the head and playing around and me and my friend saw a very big shadow and eyes walking around the restaurant the was a loud scream and the guy who is outside was gone every one was frighten and they gather thier guns and weapons. it happen so fast that the roof of the restaurant was gone and there is so many of them growling and salava was dripping my friends father push us down to the basement and we saw everything that happen that night...there were guns shoots, people screaming runing, blood spill everywhere, body part flying everywhere when the huge dog that they call them coyote once they bit another dog the dog began to react like like a mutant virus that only spreads to dogs...

after a days spending in the basement we try to go out and we find the whole restaurant was totally gone and there was no left over from the bodys you can say that the coyote totally clean it up...we ran to the city and we hear many cases have happen after thee incident at the restaurant...the mayor is trying to gather all the people and left this town and seek help...but what we dont know is that the virus have effected the humans as well no one knows about only react when the coyote was near them and order them like we are thier puppet...the whole town was on a journey to the states to seek help from the milatery...the coyote was following us behind and in the group as well...we try to gather people from out of town to join us to save their lives...

the coyote try to attack us during the night where we can see well....many people was being taken away while we were sleeping in the night...the next day we have totally gather hundreds over people and we almost going to pass the boder and i just saw my friends house just straight a head and ask her to follow us as well...i run to her house and pass by a very big abandon hall and it was so dark and i saw a pair of glowing eyes behind thw window and i knew that "they" were there already...i hurry rush to her house and ask her leave...and a cold breeze just blow through and the doors from the abandon hall was open and the people was walking pass had vanish and i know that the villages have been taken in to the abandon hall it happen so fast is like i'm the only one who saw it...when my friends was shouting to the other ask my friend to hurry up...i shouted at them asking them to stay in the house lock the door and dont bring the dogs in...and i ran up the hill like being a bait to lure them away...

everything happen in a slow motion just like in the movie...where the coyotes runing out from the abandon hall and i was runing up hill and i found a small hiding place to hide from the coyote..after entering the hole it was pitch black and i woke up just like was scary in dream but different from what you guys read can try to imagine how was it like you can feel the suspents and all....haha

hey guys will post part 2 later have to go college now...i really cant wait to post my nightmare story...haha love all bye guys!

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