Wednesday, December 16

just catching up

went to old klang road for dinner with caren and went there for a purpose!! is to buy the famouse flavour tao fu fah!! haha first time going there so not really know how to go there...with caren's GPS we able to find the place..haha...

my ice lemon tea...haha

caren my best friend since high school she went MIA since after we finish high school after 1 year din't keep in contact  for quite awhile until last week only...OMG is been so long caren my dear...misses you leh u got miss me ma? or miss us girls ma? (shwu sian and me**) haha...she is a pictureholic and of cos a shopaholic girl who love pink very very much and it's a huge fans of disney princess character...she is like a other part of me like my girl part from deep down in my heart where i dont really dare to show out..she is my IDOL!! love caren lots!!!

next wednesday we gonna have another small gathering
for caren's farewell party!! gonna miss u caren all the best
at U.S. may be i will join you in U.S after 2 years haha!!

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