Thursday, December 3

just blogging

oh my god!!! haven even start holiday and i started to feel bored already
OH NO NO NO!!! i really need to look for a job to spend my holiday
my freinds are going back to their melaka or either johor..
but my home is here and i ahve no place to go...NO!!
i dont want to spend my holiday like that is always the same
hey family! we need  to go for a holiday
and fast i dont wan to spend my time going shopping everyday no i cant
i want something to do...WHO GOT ANY VACANCY for a job i need one badly..

who can offer me 1 i can do it part not really fairr that i cant work as a promoter
what the big what is a long hours i dont mind is not like
i cant take i can man...PLEASE dad let me find a job
so i can earn money and pay half of my college fees and well of cos have the
money shopping with freinds duh!! haha
don know why this few month i feel like going for a trip
to anywhere is find just want to go for vacation to relax and enjoy

but dad say have to save up some money to go UK next 2 years!! that of cause
i'm going man!! come on is UK!! definately want to go
haha....go there shopping? no is to go there for my sis graduation haha!!
so aiming for UK this for vacation haha!!

ok la i want to study already saturday got exam some more
monday got presentation some more...
off to study...will update more soon with nice piccis!! haha
love you'll

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