Tuesday, December 8

h@pPy B!rThd@Y D@rrE&

happy birthday to darren!! went to pyramid to celebrate his birthday we went to the cinema to brought the tickets for NINJA ASSASIN!!! haha finally can watch it haha!! the show start at 2:45 so we just lingger around in pyramid...

when to the lower ground floor to check out the chirstmas decoration it was awesome cause it looks like overseas graden during chirstmas so romantic...so nice...

the stage

he pose like the again....

an angel putting his finger in his mouth

i ask him to pose like the angel but he dont wan how sad haiz

feels like i'm in london lol!! after that we went to the book store and there was sales so haha...decide to buy story to read for holiday! haha went to ZEN for some cake to chill out

this would be chocolate cheese cake

my meal for lunch haha

smile :)

the movie was totally awesome love the effects and the movement and the combination of the camera and the performance...totally awesome...best movie so far i watched this month!! even the movie is a bit exaguarate from the bloods and body parts flying every where but love the effect they done it...and of cause RAIN IS AWESOME!!! his english was so good that you cant find any mistake well of cause they got retake the scene and shots again and again while fliming....thats what hollywood does...haha the story line is almost the same as every action and thiller movie where the good guy always safe the dansel in destress at the end of the movie...it was totally awesome....

the lovely cute and big pig he brought...

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