Tuesday, December 15

movie time

storm warrious on screening!! went to summit in the afternoon with my lovely mummy and my little brother to settle my things after that passed by the cinema and all of us got the feeling to watch movie so go check out got what movie to watch...i was like lets watch princess and the frog my bro was like zombieland and mummy was storm warrious lol...we keep suggesting and end up we watch storm warrious haha after buying ticket then is off to Mc D's for lunch...

can ask it was a prefect just prefect day ever...after Mc D then is Mc D's ice cream my mom was like wan ice cream a not? in a tempting tone and of cos we cant resist of my mom temptation if we miss it there is no second time so we have to go for even we were full..haha after that we walk around summit to pass the time to wait for the movie at 3:40pm

shhh!! the moviw is showing....OMG storm warrious the graphic was awesome and the animation and the editing was totally cool!!!...well the movie was like a comic book of cos it was based on the comic book...lol... awesome Awesome AWESOME!!! as an animator and an editor to look at this movie really looks of work been done and totally have to work hard to be on that stage man...look out HOLLYWOOD HERE I COME....

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