Monday, December 14

h@pPy B!rThd@Y $zu Ty@n

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SZU TYAN!!! our angel and sister have step in to the adulthood already...our big jie jie to guide us through life haha...happy birthday to you..and hope u guys like the suprise party we do for you haha...was so scare that i burst it out haha..but anyway it was awesome...
the ANGELS, our SISTER, our FRIENDS we have nick for everyone and we spend our time mostly dancing, facing problems and we help each other that what we do and that's how we overcome it thanks to the religion we practicing and following haha...from the front we have szu tyan the birthday girl and also the big boods the surprise one followed by mee shan the jie jie also the determine one, pui kuan the diva, next jasmine the balletholic, lee fen and me the shopaholic, lee yen the pictureholic girl, and last wei ling the all we are meant to be together haha!!

cheese take 2
take 3
take 4 we just love to take pictures...haha
cutting cake time
we will be kote girls, angel, sisters for ever!! love'll guys!!!!

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