Sunday, December 20

sadness T.T

wow yesterday night was so weird...before i was going to bed i was watching astro and i just change to a different channel and i hear the song sang by dont know which singer never see before her name was something like 芬芬...her song was so really touch my heart so deeply...til now i still remember what she say..."哭过就好了,痛过就好了" when i heared this pharse my tears begin to drop badly...dont know why may be i'm just to easy to be hurt and trust somebody....

i cant take it anymore i just guess i need to burst it out may be it will make me feel first time ever that i heard from someone that i love to ask for a break..when he send message me that i was hurt...i dont know why he say that but i guess it's the best then since we dint contact much before may be thats just the reason that we was preparing for our own exam and assignment and we were stress so i just that why he wanted to break up with me...

but i don see why thats the reason...every couple out there also have the same thing happen everyone have stress and they overcome it but not asking thier partner for a break but by overcoming thats obstacles together and finds victory...I JUST DONT KNOW WHY....CANT YOU JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH!!! i guess i just dont want to be in a relantionship anymore...may be just may be i find a guy that can really change everything....

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