Sunday, February 28

beyonce - i'm a single lady

last day

hey peeppss it's the last day of cny!! OOH NOO!!
after today it's back to work and i dont feel like it
who can give me a pyschologycal change...
cause i truly need to start work now may be after
my this post i need to start my assignment damn!!
i really dont know how to do man!! HELP!!!!!

Friday, February 26

CNY Gamble!!!

my first CNY gamble this year!! haha with my buddies!!
(will be in picture and caption well you guys can image how the event goes)

me before going to cass house

location: cass house
day: friday
time: 9pm
needs: bring money

picture time...and patrick is still watching tv..haiz...

lol what is praveen looking at??

muh head is cut to 1/3 already sad T.T

show me the money!!

it's simon's turn!!

more and more people come and we have to move to the floor

and the floor still not enough space for us lol


simon what you get??  wah 5 cards already still not yet 'bao' ar??

what i do there: drink, had fun and gamble
did i win: yes i do in the end
is it fun: yes it was everyone was having a blast
what time i went back: 12am haha dont want to stay so late haha
the last question is......??


Thursday, February 25

h@pPy B!rThd@Y MummY!!

muaks!! kiss kiss -x-

Wednesday, February 24

2 in a roll

hey lovesss guess what? i went out with jym yesterday and i finally able to watch lion dance show for this year CNY man...i so miss the lion dance performance when the show starts i always will be on my way going back or off to some where doing important things ARGH!! but finally able to watch it...

and yesterday i was thinking about going shopping but end up i gone for movies and it's 2 in roll for today haha..watched 14 blades and percy jacksonand the lighting thief....BOTH MOVIE ARE AWESOME MAN!!

here is the trailer of Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

Direct by Chris Columbus (awesome dude ever to come out a movies like this)

Synopsis: It's the 21st century, but the gods of Mount Olympus and assorted monsters have walked out of the pages of high school student Percy Jackson's Greek mythology texts and into his life. And they're not happy: Zeus' lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Even more troubling is the sudden disappearance of Percy's mother. As Percy finds himself caught between angry and battling gods, he and his friends embark on a cross-country adventure to catch the true lightning thief, save Percy's mom, and unravel a mystery more powerful than the gods themselves.

AWESOME MOVIE!! HAHA the next movie was 14 blades wow love the teachnique there use, love the effect of it awesome one!!

trailer of 14 blades

Direct by Daniel Lee
Synopsis: A kung fu thriller set during the Ming Dynasty and centered on a secret service agent (Donnie Yen) in the emperor's court who is betrayed and then hunted by his colleagues.

the next day i'm gonna watch 2 movies as well finish up all the cool movies and concentrate on my assignments already if not i cant focus man haha...cause i'm a bit lazy as well so much to do so little time haha..what the heck watching movies is also part of my homework thats what lecturer ask us to do watch many movies as we can..haha

Saturday, February 20

i'm back!! baby!!

hey loves MISS ME?? haha went to ipoh for a week already i'm finally back man!! HOORAAYY!!! finally haha...damn i'm tired as well even i just sit in the car for 2 days but it feels tired as well haha...after that we clean the house just in time for dinner with my mother side families haha..consider huge man her family haha..but who cares it's awesome to have a big family anyway LOVE THEM!! after dinner we hang around the restaurant to chat wow the first time the whole family have a very long and big chat after dinner...sometimes we just finish dinner and go home or for second around haha...but this time is totally different haha...

well as usually after dinner we will go back to my uncle house for a game of cards or mahjong but this time his not around he is off to thailand so we went to my cousin's sis pub somewhere in damansara haha...called utopia!! we have drinks and foods and chat all was totally a full house awesome buisness definately going well haha

this will be my lemon volka drink guess how much cup i drank??

Aberfeldy...nice drink too

have you ever drink german beer before?? it's just like tiger or carlsberg but it's more smooth to drink and not too much gassy i do prefer german beer then the normal tiger or carlsberg time i will go for german beer called Hoegaarden...awesome drink for girls if you dont want to heavy muackss so.... LETS DRINK UP YO!!!

Tuesday, February 16

wow already the 3rd!!

it's 3rd day of cny already goodness me and today is my sis chinese birthday lol everyone only can remember my sis chinese birthday because it's CNY on the same day so everyone remember it...sad no one remembers mine ow sad is always on the 3rd day of CNY we have dinner at my aunts's her turn to treat us haha...awesome we went to the same restaurant as always because it's near, the food is nice and cheap as well..haha..

love the dress...haha

the dinner was at 9 o'clock the last batch so we have time to chat and relax in her living room, and we had a mini tour around the house cause she did some renovation to it for CNY..OH MY GOD they have a new 42inch in her living awesome!! love what she done to the working place they the house such a big house with only 2 people staying in it and the house feels so luxurious ( not the rich luxurious) the atmosphere, the feel between the bond of their relationship is so so...oh you know what i mean haha...

waited for the time to pass we play a bit of mahjong for my aunt to win back some money from my uncle least something to spice up their relationship haha...they really can bet big amount of money amount went up to RM210 gosh!! O.O haha..i can still remember the story she told me about them playing scrabbles that who ever lose buy a frigde or a toaster which ever they need for thier house haha..

it's time for dinner!! awesome we had and the restaurant was is on fullhouse, up stairs and down stairs totally full my god haha...we had a lovely dinner...there is people lauging, talking, cheering and eating and the staff there are all tide up with works to do, serving people and present dishes to every table...damn it's noisy but hey it's CNY every year it's suppose to me like that and everyone is in their CNY moods!!! awesome!! we were the last table to move cause my aunt and the boss of the restaurant was so close cause everything they eat there for dinner and for buisness dinner as well

Monday, February 15

2nd day of CNY!

looking through youtube to find some CNY songs to play and i found this video and again it's ryan foo on this video as well with the other contestant in astro singing competition awesome!!

posting up so many video of CNY songs!! awesome!! cause i'm really in the mood of CNY AWESOME!! totally in it..after 2 weeks then it's back to college and assignments already aiks...haiz...need to totally enjoy this 2 weeks and need to start my assignment after this 2 week haiz...

Sunday, February 14

1st day of cny!!

woke up early this morning and my dad is still sleeping and i on some CNY songs damn loud and rush back to sleep haha..on it for the new year morning to have the sort of CNY mood and the funny thing is that my dad woke up and rush to the bathroom hahah!! and i continue to sleep til 9 am in the morning hehe...and rush up and get ready

i come down from my room and the tv is still playing some cny songs and everyone dress up in their new year clothings, get ready everything the biscuits, drink and dont forget the mandarins my dad loves it and i saw this video of my sis friend singing in the CNY music video!! OH MY GOD!!! so awesome!! get to be in a music video and in some advertising!! so awesome!! and he is in the same college as me as well SOOOO COOLLL!!! surely become porpular already...haha wow totally awesome if get to join MY FM or ASTRO can be famous i totally want to join already!! haha

my sis called back in the 1st day of cny!!
she stay up the whole night just to wait for us
her first cny without us it's cool sometimes haha

and i'm in my cheong sam!! awesome first day
cny and first time in cny i'm in my cheong sam!!

have a family photo even my sis is not here
haha...but we still cant have one family photo ahah

everyone was happy alright smile and laughter every where and mom and dad was totally tempting my sis of the ang pao and biscuit that we have right here and not there...but who cares she is having her own AWESOME CNY over there as well...dont know what i'm saying just check out her video hahah then you know what i mean haha...

Saturday, February 13

Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling lyrics

I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good good night
Tonight’s the night night

Let’s live it up
I got my money
Let’s spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Let’s get get OFF
I know that we’ll have a ball
If we get down
And go out
And just loose it all
I feel stressed out
I wanna let it go
Lets go way out spaced out
And loosing all control
Fill up my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it off
Lets paint the town
We’ll shut it down
Let’s burn the roof
And then we’ll do it again
Lets Do it
And live it up

I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good good night
Tonight’s the night

Let’s live it up
I got my money
Lets spend it up
Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Lets get get OFF
Fill up my cup (Drink)
Mozolotov (Lahyme)
Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)
Just take it off
Lets paint the town
We’ll shut it down
Lets burn the roof
And then we’ll do it again

Lets do it
Let’s live it up
Here we come
Here we go
We gotta rock
Easy come
Easy go
Now we on top
Feel the shot
Body rock
Rock it don’t stop
Round and round
Up and down
Around the clock
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday,
Saturday and Sunday
Get get get get get
With us you know what we say
Party everyday p-p-p-party
Party everyday

I gotta feeling that tonight gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night

tonights gonna be a good night!!

'I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good good night
Tonight’s the night
Let’s live it up!!!'

to night is the night where we have our bid family dinner!! awesome this year my dad's gonna cook. his dishes are awesome and delicious but too bad i on my diet so i cant eat much haha
caught my dad cooking chicken curry
damn he put quite a lot of spices making it to spicy
i cant eat too bad haha...

aint it delicious...ummm yummm haha

look at all the food...
just 8 of us eating and look the table is totally
full family is a big eater man
but lucky i'm not haha...just look at the food and your
saliva is coming out from your mouth...i know i am haha

we have a new guest for the dinner and it's my aunt buisness
partner that helps put the buisness that my aunt work for
awesome right...

my dad made his own yee shang and for him so
called fruit salad to start the meal...added
cucumber, carrot, mango, pineapple, crackers, fried noodles
and we mix and mix...well we couldn't left it's traidition for us

after the meal everyone just chill and relax with a glass of wine in fornt of them and just for me i'm in the chicken cleaning up the dishes after once i'm daone i dash to the front of the tv and watch some cny movies that i dont want to miss out on haha...the adult will be just chilling around after a whole day cooking haha...til almost midnight, my dad ready some fire crackers and when the clock striaght 12 he lid the crackers and it was very loud and we shouted HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and on tv there was fire crackers on and people singing CNY song AWESOME!! you can see and hear fire works and cracker around grandma's house so awesome!!

Friday, February 12

the day before the big dinner**

oh my god i wake up so early today just to get ready everything off to my home every other years when chinese new year comes it will be full of things to do as always surpricingly that today the highway totally not jam...there are still many cars but it was totally smooth to usually i slept during the journay and got woke úp by a jerk from the car lucky i dint fell in front it was scary though...

took a picture of me wearing sun glasses..hehe...
well to hide my eyes cos i'm having panda eyes
for waking up so early haha...

this will be 猪仔's second trip to ipoh good for him hehe
so cute that he wearing my sun glasses hehe

at night we went out to eat at the restaurant that nears my aunt and had yee shang my first yee shang for this year and lots more to come for the whole CNY..

Thursday, February 11


hey loveesss got to tell you something unexcepted!!! totally unexcepted!! okay okay  here goes

as i was in college, and there is a cast crew having their shoot for their drama i was one of the extras...well actually i sneak in haha...just to be on television..just kidding our lecturer really ask us to act as an extras as well haha..well that not the thing i want to talk about...

is about a cute guy that i saw him in college and i got my eye on him quite a while already hehe...ok ok here goes the story haha...well after helping my lecturer to be the extra and we went toward the lecturer cause we thought that we got we just wonder around the G-floor...and the student council having a valentine booth for the lovers to write their message and send a song to their love ones...well it was a good idea but the design of the booth was lame seriously man totally lame...sure that they can do something better something outrages that catches the people attension more...

anyway nothing about the booth is about him..well everytime i see him it will be at ground floor or passing by each other with his friends...well this time is totally DIFFERENT man!! i'm so so so happy about it (hehehe evil laugh haha) he actually come towards me and my friend by asking us wanna write a message to someone...when he do that face and his eyes close is totally SOOOOO CUUUTTEE!! omg...can a guy be that cute!! goodness me man...first he say me then he ask my friends and he ask me back again cute was that!! was so happy at that time haha!! even he have to come up towards me ask to write some message i dont care...because HE DID COME UP TO ME!!! NEVER BE THAT CLOSE TO HIM BEFORE haha...SOOO HAPPYYY!!

well of cause he have his girl friend and i cant do anything about but hey i wasnt planning to anyway...just admiring his cuteness thats all besides i got someone i like already haha..omg i'm so jealous that his girl friend was so lucky to have him!! i wonder if i ever meet a guy is that so cute as him or may be is him!! haha..JUST KIDDING haha...dont take it seriously man..

Saturday, February 6

shopping for new year stuff

hey loves!! today i'm really a good girl well you can say that cause i woke up at 9am in the morning and help my family do house chores...hehe good girl right?? and my whole family was having brunch and i just ate abit cause my body wasnt fully woke up yet then we were off to giant to shop for new year stuff for my house like every CNY parents went to giant and i went to college to pay my fees and on to summit to buy nail polish for my grandma and she wants rose red!! omg it is so not nice colour!! aiks >.<....anyway saw that cute hot pink nail polish so i just brought to of them..haha

like the colour really match the skin
and it's cute too LOVE PINK LOTS
my favourtie colour ever!!

OMG..giant is full of people man!! cause it's like the last weekend to buy everything before CNY haha!! my goodness i dint know my dad brought so much things the trolley was totally full and it's like over flowing haha..well it's CNY what can you expect as always the only season that my dad spend the most actually it's the only season that he will ever spend the most haha..a part from chirstmas..CNY is definately a must to the family haha!!...

i totally hate rude people man!! there is one aunty walking pass me and she saw my trolley was full of drinks and mandarins as well and she say that buy so many how to finish in a rude way and she was talking behind my back well actually was talking in front of  me..SHE DAMN RUDE MAN!! of cause not only for my family la lady!! it's for my other house in ipoh as well la DUH!! i have 2 HOME so have to buy for the other home what!! shit that lady totally hate her man!!...when i told my parents about it they were so piss as well haha..when to the cashier to pay and got a snap of picture of what we brought haha

drinks for the house i'm staying and...
and drinks for the ipoh house i'm gonna stay in soon

wow!! really is so many things man!!...but actually is not
just the drinks make it look many only..haha..

when back home and took a picture of my hair

Friday, February 5


had a trip to the star..what does the first thing come in to your mind when people say they had a trip to the stars...will you think they really went to the star or they jusy woke up from a faint they have..well my is the star you know the newspaper we all people reads 'THE STAR' ahaha!! actually is nothing much haha...the trip it was okay...not too bored and not too excited just a normal trip that you wont fall a sleep for that haha..unleast you just woke up not long ago or dint sleep at all...while in the bus sure there will be piccies!!

me and ieyla..

evonne playing ps...

in the bus..noisy can hear people laughing,
peolpe singing, talking all sorts of things haha..
but usually you can see people sleeping haha

we are here!! the star!! haha..

we gather at the main entrance and we were given
a galaxy magazine and a pair of ear plugs..AWESOME
to have a galaxy's magz!!

zul being SS..haha!!!

they shown us the star video how did it came about and what they been achiving all this was okay..just love the camera movements thats all later on they took us to tour around the star factory how they print the newspaper and all the proses as well haha...i just wonder around dint follow the tour guide and i end up meeting the gang again i thought i will end up being lost i do have good sense of direction haha AWESOME!!..haha later on we went back to the briefing room to have cakes  and drinks for tea haha...thats what we pay for lol..

muh tag!

in the bus taking photo is bad...cos will shake alot and the picture
looks bad...haiz...T.T

new hair do!!

hey loverss!! i gonna cut my hair today!! well after class first of cause haha...
finally a new hair do for me haha no more long hair
 but just a medium long hair easy to maintain of cause...

no more the old hair style edi
cos it's new year!!! everything for new for CNY!!