Thursday, February 11


hey loveesss got to tell you something unexcepted!!! totally unexcepted!! okay okay  here goes

as i was in college, and there is a cast crew having their shoot for their drama i was one of the extras...well actually i sneak in haha...just to be on television..just kidding our lecturer really ask us to act as an extras as well haha..well that not the thing i want to talk about...

is about a cute guy that i saw him in college and i got my eye on him quite a while already hehe...ok ok here goes the story haha...well after helping my lecturer to be the extra and we went toward the lecturer cause we thought that we got we just wonder around the G-floor...and the student council having a valentine booth for the lovers to write their message and send a song to their love ones...well it was a good idea but the design of the booth was lame seriously man totally lame...sure that they can do something better something outrages that catches the people attension more...

anyway nothing about the booth is about him..well everytime i see him it will be at ground floor or passing by each other with his friends...well this time is totally DIFFERENT man!! i'm so so so happy about it (hehehe evil laugh haha) he actually come towards me and my friend by asking us wanna write a message to someone...when he do that face and his eyes close is totally SOOOOO CUUUTTEE!! omg...can a guy be that cute!! goodness me man...first he say me then he ask my friends and he ask me back again cute was that!! was so happy at that time haha!! even he have to come up towards me ask to write some message i dont care...because HE DID COME UP TO ME!!! NEVER BE THAT CLOSE TO HIM BEFORE haha...SOOO HAPPYYY!!

well of cause he have his girl friend and i cant do anything about but hey i wasnt planning to anyway...just admiring his cuteness thats all besides i got someone i like already haha..omg i'm so jealous that his girl friend was so lucky to have him!! i wonder if i ever meet a guy is that so cute as him or may be is him!! haha..JUST KIDDING haha...dont take it seriously man..

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