Saturday, February 20

i'm back!! baby!!

hey loves MISS ME?? haha went to ipoh for a week already i'm finally back man!! HOORAAYY!!! finally haha...damn i'm tired as well even i just sit in the car for 2 days but it feels tired as well haha...after that we clean the house just in time for dinner with my mother side families haha..consider huge man her family haha..but who cares it's awesome to have a big family anyway LOVE THEM!! after dinner we hang around the restaurant to chat wow the first time the whole family have a very long and big chat after dinner...sometimes we just finish dinner and go home or for second around haha...but this time is totally different haha...

well as usually after dinner we will go back to my uncle house for a game of cards or mahjong but this time his not around he is off to thailand so we went to my cousin's sis pub somewhere in damansara haha...called utopia!! we have drinks and foods and chat all was totally a full house awesome buisness definately going well haha

this will be my lemon volka drink guess how much cup i drank??

Aberfeldy...nice drink too

have you ever drink german beer before?? it's just like tiger or carlsberg but it's more smooth to drink and not too much gassy i do prefer german beer then the normal tiger or carlsberg time i will go for german beer called Hoegaarden...awesome drink for girls if you dont want to heavy muackss so.... LETS DRINK UP YO!!!

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