Tuesday, February 16

wow already the 3rd!!

it's 3rd day of cny already goodness me and today is my sis chinese birthday lol everyone only can remember my sis chinese birthday because it's CNY on the same day so everyone remember it...sad no one remembers mine ow sad is that..T.T...as always on the 3rd day of CNY we have dinner at my aunts place..it's her turn to treat us haha...awesome we went to the same restaurant as always because it's near, the food is nice and cheap as well..haha..

love the dress...haha

the dinner was at 9 o'clock the last batch so we have time to chat and relax in her living room, and we had a mini tour around the house cause she did some renovation to it for CNY..OH MY GOD they have a new 42inch in her living awesome!! love what she done to the working place they have...love the house such a big house with only 2 people staying in it and the house feels so luxurious ( not the rich luxurious) the atmosphere, the feel between the bond of their relationship is so so...oh you know what i mean haha...

waited for the time to pass we play a bit of mahjong for my aunt to win back some money from my uncle haha..at least something to spice up their relationship haha...they really can bet big amount of money man..total amount went up to RM210 gosh!! O.O haha..i can still remember the story she told me about them playing scrabbles that who ever lose buy a frigde or a toaster which ever they need for thier house haha..

it's time for dinner!! awesome we had and the restaurant was is on fullhouse, up stairs and down stairs totally full my god haha...we had a lovely dinner...there is people lauging, talking, cheering and eating and the staff there are all tide up with works to do, serving people and present dishes to every table...damn it's noisy but hey it's CNY every year it's suppose to me like that and everyone is in their CNY moods!!! awesome!! we were the last table to move cause my aunt and the boss of the restaurant was so close cause everything they eat there for dinner and for buisness dinner as well haha..cool..

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