Sunday, February 14

1st day of cny!!

woke up early this morning and my dad is still sleeping and i on some CNY songs damn loud and rush back to sleep haha..on it for the new year morning to have the sort of CNY mood and the funny thing is that my dad woke up and rush to the bathroom hahah!! and i continue to sleep til 9 am in the morning hehe...and rush up and get ready

i come down from my room and the tv is still playing some cny songs and everyone dress up in their new year clothings, get ready everything the biscuits, drink and dont forget the mandarins my dad loves it and i saw this video of my sis friend singing in the CNY music video!! OH MY GOD!!! so awesome!! get to be in a music video and in some advertising!! so awesome!! and he is in the same college as me as well SOOOO COOLLL!!! surely become porpular already...haha wow totally awesome if get to join MY FM or ASTRO can be famous i totally want to join already!! haha

my sis called back in the 1st day of cny!!
she stay up the whole night just to wait for us
her first cny without us it's cool sometimes haha

and i'm in my cheong sam!! awesome first day
cny and first time in cny i'm in my cheong sam!!

have a family photo even my sis is not here
haha...but we still cant have one family photo ahah

everyone was happy alright smile and laughter every where and mom and dad was totally tempting my sis of the ang pao and biscuit that we have right here and not there...but who cares she is having her own AWESOME CNY over there as well...dont know what i'm saying just check out her video hahah then you know what i mean haha...

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