Friday, February 12

the day before the big dinner**

oh my god i wake up so early today just to get ready everything off to my home every other years when chinese new year comes it will be full of things to do as always surpricingly that today the highway totally not jam...there are still many cars but it was totally smooth to usually i slept during the journay and got woke úp by a jerk from the car lucky i dint fell in front it was scary though...

took a picture of me wearing sun glasses..hehe...
well to hide my eyes cos i'm having panda eyes
for waking up so early haha...

this will be 猪仔's second trip to ipoh good for him hehe
so cute that he wearing my sun glasses hehe

at night we went out to eat at the restaurant that nears my aunt and had yee shang my first yee shang for this year and lots more to come for the whole CNY..

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