Saturday, February 6

shopping for new year stuff

hey loves!! today i'm really a good girl well you can say that cause i woke up at 9am in the morning and help my family do house chores...hehe good girl right?? and my whole family was having brunch and i just ate abit cause my body wasnt fully woke up yet then we were off to giant to shop for new year stuff for my house like every CNY parents went to giant and i went to college to pay my fees and on to summit to buy nail polish for my grandma and she wants rose red!! omg it is so not nice colour!! aiks >.<....anyway saw that cute hot pink nail polish so i just brought to of them..haha

like the colour really match the skin
and it's cute too LOVE PINK LOTS
my favourtie colour ever!!

OMG..giant is full of people man!! cause it's like the last weekend to buy everything before CNY haha!! my goodness i dint know my dad brought so much things the trolley was totally full and it's like over flowing haha..well it's CNY what can you expect as always the only season that my dad spend the most actually it's the only season that he will ever spend the most haha..a part from chirstmas..CNY is definately a must to the family haha!!...

i totally hate rude people man!! there is one aunty walking pass me and she saw my trolley was full of drinks and mandarins as well and she say that buy so many how to finish in a rude way and she was talking behind my back well actually was talking in front of  me..SHE DAMN RUDE MAN!! of cause not only for my family la lady!! it's for my other house in ipoh as well la DUH!! i have 2 HOME so have to buy for the other home what!! shit that lady totally hate her man!!...when i told my parents about it they were so piss as well haha..when to the cashier to pay and got a snap of picture of what we brought haha

drinks for the house i'm staying and...
and drinks for the ipoh house i'm gonna stay in soon

wow!! really is so many things man!!...but actually is not
just the drinks make it look many only..haha..

when back home and took a picture of my hair

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