Monday, February 1

words in my '♥'

what does it take just to forget it!! why does everytime i look at it makes me cry?? i want to's making my heart even more pain then ever!!

oh how i really want to forget!! i really cant stand it!! why does it have to be you!! WHY WHY WHY!! why the hell you have to be the first in my live!! i really cant take it the sadness, the pain that's circuling in my body!! i'm not a strong girl i try to pretend i'm 1 of it...I even try to be 1 but it turns out i'm not...i just dont feels all of a sudden about can just say i cant take the suspends of it..cause it's just all of a sudden out of no where and it pops out..why cant you just tell me the truth about it...then i cant just argee about before you say should have give me an early signal about and let me prepare about it so i wont feel such a bitch and an idiot and pretty stupid about it!!

it you dont like me then why you want to be with me!! if you dont love me then why you want to be with me...why you even pop out the question asking me to be with you!! AM I A GAME TO YOU??!! why do you play with my feelings since that you know this will happen why do you make me fall in love with you in the first place!! why why WHY!! i sacrifies my time to be with you i even adjust my time for you i even sometimes lie to my parent (that i really dont want to do it that i really hate myself doing it that everytime i go back home punish myself) because of you...I REALLY HATE YOU!! I REALLY HATE YOU FOR MAKING ME LOVE YOU!! I HATE YOU!!

i hate being a goody too shoes girl argee to everything what everyone say...this time i'm gonna say NO for things i cant do and i dont have the feeling to!! being sweet and kind is a crap...a waste of know what i think i will just be mean and bad to certain thing it will be much better...i just really cant believe that i argee to you!! totally making me feel so regret!! i thought it will be a good 1 but you just making me feel so regret about it...why are you doing this to me why why WHY!!...

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