Friday, February 5


had a trip to the star..what does the first thing come in to your mind when people say they had a trip to the stars...will you think they really went to the star or they jusy woke up from a faint they have..well my is the star you know the newspaper we all people reads 'THE STAR' ahaha!! actually is nothing much haha...the trip it was okay...not too bored and not too excited just a normal trip that you wont fall a sleep for that haha..unleast you just woke up not long ago or dint sleep at all...while in the bus sure there will be piccies!!

me and ieyla..

evonne playing ps...

in the bus..noisy can hear people laughing,
peolpe singing, talking all sorts of things haha..
but usually you can see people sleeping haha

we are here!! the star!! haha..

we gather at the main entrance and we were given
a galaxy magazine and a pair of ear plugs..AWESOME
to have a galaxy's magz!!

zul being SS..haha!!!

they shown us the star video how did it came about and what they been achiving all this was okay..just love the camera movements thats all later on they took us to tour around the star factory how they print the newspaper and all the proses as well haha...i just wonder around dint follow the tour guide and i end up meeting the gang again i thought i will end up being lost i do have good sense of direction haha AWESOME!!..haha later on we went back to the briefing room to have cakes  and drinks for tea haha...thats what we pay for lol..

muh tag!

in the bus taking photo is bad...cos will shake alot and the picture
looks bad...haiz...T.T

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