Saturday, January 30


as like always in saturday the whole family will be staying at home and just chill and relax...but this saturday is a bit different my dad went back ipoh leaving us in at home hehe...since my dad away we usually will be staying at home cause my mom will be lazy to go we have home activities as usual but this time totally different is that my mom actually ask me go shopping with her and aunty sam!! omg!! AWESOME!! THANKS TO AUNTY SAM FOR IT!! aunty sam ask my mom out for shopping and my mom ask me to follow...i was totally shocked man!!

we went pyramid...OMG it's full!! the parking was so full!!...duh of cause it's a saturday and it's almost to chinese new year everyone will be buying their clothes and other things for chinese new year of cause haha...but i have finish my chinese new year shopping already all i need is a jeans to go with the top i just brought it last week...but i still cant find the jeans i want!! T.T how sad was that it's not that i'm picky it just that it dont have the size i want!! SOB SOB!! all the size i wanted it's always out of stock since all the girls have taken them all left is large size..totally cant wear them at all...haiz...the good things is that i spot this lovely dress at nichii's!!

love this dress!!

omg!! nichii is full of people man!! ma be because of the sales man!! up to 50% sales totally awesome!! got so many nice dress i saw and love them all...but some are  like dinner dress and i dont get to wear them much so not buying them but eye was cought by this dress!! it's like love at first sight!! once i saw it i'm totally in love with it!! wow me and the dress totally have faith to each other!! haha!! after discount and it's only RM29.95!! OMG!! the end i brought this dress ahah!! and aunty sam brought a pair of heels how awesome was that!!

next we went to packson and just right after i went in to that entrance there was some few cheong sam display in the middle and it totally cought my attention!! there are so many design and i just took evey design and off to the fitting room..haha!! like totally crazy already!!

first design! just normal and plain blue

second design! i like this want but aunty sam say
looks a bit classic and more this lots!

third design ..totally plain man..really like the olden days
like what they wear...aiks >.<...

and lastly the forth design!! i love this too!!..
totally sweet and cute haha!!

i cant really make up my mind which to choose the second design or the forth design!! ARGH!!...both also love it and i cant have both cause it's a lot for a cheong sam...just 1 will be enough mom was like saying why would i wan buy and i wont wear it offen...and i say it's chinese new year should have a cheong sam to celebrate with and my mom was totally speechless and my mom argee to allow me to buy it because she also love it a lot there is no arguement there haha..beside she can wear it as S size definately she can wear..

OMG is S size!! but usually i wear M or L( love big size clothes comfy) clothings but nowadays the clothes i'm trying on is S omg it means i totally slim down to S size..beside cheong sam it suppose to buy 1 size bigger but the S size is also quite loose as well omg!! AWESOME!! I LOST WEIGHT!! CHEERS FOR ME!!! i definately will keep on this shape man!!!! we walked around and of cause aunty sam have brought her cny clothings as well haha...we got back home at 5 something and aunty sam said lets go shopping tomorrow as mom laugh and say okay!! HOORAYY!! shopping 2 days in a roll!!

touch my hand

touch my hand by david archuleta

Saw you from a distance
Saw you from the stage
Something about the look in your eyes
Something about your beautiful face

In a sea of people
There is only you
I never knew what the song was about
But suddenly now I do

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand
Reach out as far as you can
Only me, only you and the band
Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again

I see the sparkle of a million flashlights
A wonder wall of stars
But the one that's shining out so bright
Is the one right where you are

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand
Reach out as far as you can
Only me, only you and the band
Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again

Saw you from the distance
Saw you from the stage
Something about the look in your eyes
Something about your beautiful face

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
'Cause if I do, it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again
(Reach out to you, touch my hand)

I'll never get the chance again
(Reach out as far as you can)
I'll never get the chance again
(Only me, only you and the band)
Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand, yeah

photo shooting!!!

woke up at 8:45am today OMG!! my eyes is so damn damn tired!! i got a morning call from ieyla that is so embarrassing people call me to wake up and remind me that today we have photo shooting OMG!!...haha but she really is a good friend man! an awesome want  that u can really joke around and fool around up and get myself ready but my things are not..i been changing bags from yesterday night til morning and i cant decide which bag cos i have so many things need to bring like make up sets, some nice wardrobe and accessories as well all this for my friends studio lighting assignment haha...thats what i love it man!! a course with full course works no papers work anymore!! but there is 1 or 2 haha...

reach college at 10 something and they already set up the lightings and camera and just waiting for my friend kah yin (the model..definately an awesome model and a nice friend) to reach and so we could start the shooting....she with all dress up and we could just shoot...i help out to the lighting man(girl) and managind the props...she was totally awesome!! she is pretty and cool...she could be the best model around!! she is totally photogenic!! so lucky she could model for my friends assignment haha...there is lots of round taking photos of her and changing different clothes and poses...

michelle yin!! pretty right?! of cause very pretty!!

love her pose!! an awesome model!!

after the shooting we just take a few photos for fun
haha!! definately have to!!

me and ieyla hehe

omg!! they ask me to become a model as well??!! what!! omg i so shy and i'm not a model aiks!! they talk me in to it and michelle help me to make up and i just get dress thats all haha it's just all of a sudden only aiks so embarassing la haha...

thats me!! omg i look so different aiks!

i like this the most!! haha!!


we finish our shooting at like 1 something wow it's totally tiring man just a shooting it can make us so tired!! and i have not enough sleep some more...can see my panda eyes very dark and big =.= all thanks to justin asking me to help him do this video haiz...but never mind...he gonna treat me a meal haha...have free meal awesome haha!! eh justin have to win also!! cause you promise you win then will treat me expensive food!! SO YOU MUST WIN!! HAHA!! good luck!!...

Wednesday, January 27


feelings? what are feelings all about?? there are so many feelings in us...i wonder why we need them? can we just live without them?..what you thing? is it possible? being sad or having a souring feeling in my heart is the feeling i have the most!!! why do i have this kind of feeling why does it stay in me giving me such a unhappy feelings are not SUPPOSE to be PLAYED OR CHEATED!!! girls feeling is the most easiest thing to break down...once it struck us it is very hard to mend it back...just hate this part right is the song title from pussycat dolls this song as well haha..

OMG!! i've been listening to all the sad and love song for like almost a month already aiks why am i so emo!!?? i really have to change my list songs in my laptop...need something happy and cheerful ones...been making myself to smile in front of my friends well is kinda hard haha...keeping my mind busy of things...dont want to thing how sad i was...that just the wrong way man...SMILE SMILE SMILE is the cure!! lol stop thinking of uneccesary thing focus on what i'm suppose to do!! thats what i'm here for haha..

Tuesday, January 26

finally a show for u guys

hi guys this will be kk concert video...been waiting for so long finally have it and upload for you guys to see!! try to spot me haha


Monday, January 25

sick not feeling well??

oh my god what's wrong with me men today...either i'm not feeling well or i'm sick...i cant figure out mood today are like ups and downs suddenly i will feel happy suddenly sad...aiks girls emotion rush not good (tips to guys better dont bully girls when they having emotion break down man seriouly you just won't want to see girls break down****) note that guys haha...just woke up around 9pm because i was tired dont know why but i think because i walked to much or sited to much til i almost wanted to faint and have a little bite for dinner...and nowblogging haha...ouch stomach hurts real bad man!1

Sunday, January 24

sshhh sshhh...

hey loves yeah you know is sunday and is very quite in the house...i wonder why sunday is always like that...usually my house will be full of noise but today is quite i don know why but i can get use to it and I LOVE IT!! no noise no arguements going on AND MOST IMPORTANT that is YOU WONT HEAR HER NAGGING!! how AWESOME is totally free from that!!...the house is just me and my laptop and my mom with the music on and is just so relaxing man!!

i totally can get use to this man!! just like a dream quiteness in the air awesome awesome!!! i dont have to worry about anything and enjoy the rest of the hour haha!! my dream have finally come!! see prayers do get answer haha!! thank you THANK YOU!!! but i only can enjoy it for few hours only..haiz...but it's nice while it last...enjoying the peaceful in the living room i downloading songs haha!! is like tones of song i'm downloading i think i need to download somg CNY songs already my dad is like keep on playing the same old song again and again...aiks so outdated already need to change change!!...

omg talking about CNY i need to clean my room for CNY is coming oh no....have to start already okay guys i blog til here...need to clean up my room edi bye guys love all!!

Saturday, January 23

klang famous fry chicken!!

OH MY GOD!! it's raining heavyly outing and i cant go out for mom dont let until she say wait for the rain to get small first..oh man i'm totally late man!! you can just see and heard lightning and thunder keep on striking and striking man it's  kinda scary at the same time...we got out from the house around 8.15pm and the rain just keep on pouring ...and i reach klang around 9pm and they almost finish their practice..and just half and hour to go so i ask my mom to go tesco spend the time there and when we finish she can just fetch us home so she dont have to go home alone in the car it's dangerous!! we were late so we have to do our own warm up and everything and join back with them...swt =.='' we just spend 15 minutes and it's time to go home already...

before going home i ask my mom to stop by the hawker stall there to buy some chicken back to it..haha!! klang u can say the fry chicken there are quite famous...that stall is just near beside the place i used to practice...the place is just a normal corner road an empty ground and he just start his business there and it's very goes well...we sell his chicken almost hundred over a much money was that!!

it's so famous that lots of people wait there for take away and even dine's must be the seasoning that he put is just so awesome and totally very can say it's even better then KFC i tell you!!..well of cause you can eat it while it's hot that is when the most awesome time to eat it!! you will just wan to have more of the fry chicken!! it's been a long time til i can finally eat the chicken i miss it so much!! finally i can get to taste the chicken!!

Friday, January 22

disappointed yet happy

so disappointed @.@ i went back pyramid to buy the dress i was and love when i reach there and try back the dress and ask the sales girl and they say it was the last want!!! OH NO!!! i was so diappointed man!!..then i try ask the manager whether they do have any other stock left and they say got OH MY GOD!! my smile was back again!! they say they have to wait for the other retails to send the dress over and they will call me back!! I"M SO HAPPY!! haha...before waiting for their answer about the dress my eyes was on another dress...hehehe...the dress is so cute!! but it was the last want how sad was that again T.T....but the manager say it was a brand new want so i just believe her and brought the dress!! awesome man!!! finally my cny clothes collection are completed!! but i have to wait for the dress i been looking for and wait for their call and all i need to look for now is the accessories to go with my collection of clothes!! hooray!!!

when back to mydin to meet up my mom and while she was shopping for gorceries i went to the accessesories department to find some to go with my cny clothings...and i found a sunglasses since mine have broken and a watch...but i still cant find the belt i'm looking for i wonder where go sell nice waist belt..i was the 1 in f-block but i dint get to ask the sales girl whether they have stock left a not haiz...sad again...continue to find the belt i'm looking for haha!!

Wednesday, January 20

# sunway night life #

hey guys this will be the sounds weird but my dad actually ask us whole family to go for a drive..aiks i cant remember when is was our last family drive...when my dad say hey lets go for a drive i was so happy that finally after quite sometimes we have a family drive...well you can say it's a whole new beginning!! we drive to sunway pyramid to see the sunway night life because my grandma dint see before so just take her around pyramid...

the lion head part of pyramid! aiks it's eyes is glowing..scary

this are the photos i took at pyramid!! kinda lazy to upload all so i just upload a few...

Tuesday, January 19


i woke up late today again!! well actually is not late cause is raining so there is an excuse haha...woke up at 7:30 in the morning and get out of the house at 8am...woke up so early just for digital imaging class haiz..very sien and lazy la!! have to wake up so early just for class sad man!!...and it's raining some more sure it will be jam in front of took the road behind summit the same as still jam...jam for like 15 minutes just enough time for me to take a liitle nap and of to class...i thought i was late for class..and i found out that our lecturer is even LATER then us student there is another excuse haha...

after class and dont feel like going back home cause dont know what to do at home kind a bored you can decide to go pyramid to look around and spent my time there...since it's still early haha...when there with racheal and she say that go there must buy some cny clothes already...haha...we went there around 11 something and dont see many people walking still early but quite good can get first pick haha...we were so hungry and dint have breakfast so we went asian avenue for brunch...

lagoon view from asian avenue
from the bistro we were having bruch there...

saw them building a stage at the surf pool...
the stage is for grasshopper
awesome they are coming to sunway for concert!!

we were at pammers frites..a small bistro at asian avenue..looks like no one there may be it's to early i guess...there is famous for belgium fries...all different kinds of flavours dont know which to choose...cause it's just to many!! the decoration is just normal...but the food can say it's affortable!...

my college friend, racheal!! haha and her ice lemon tea

racheal and her spagetti with ice lemon tea...
hey racheal how does it taste like? nice?

we just talk and talk and talk all the way til my belgium fires are here!! AWESOME!! we did talk about the bistro and the manager...the manager looks quite young with his curly hair and skinny jeans...i wonder why boy like to wear skinny jeans..doens't it make them more skinny after wearing it? wondering wondering and dont understand them like they dont understand us girls..haha

my belgium fires with cheese and bolgonise souce..nice!!
and it's just RM4.60 it's really very nice and affortable!!

the fries are really made from USA potatoes!!
totally different then our malaysian potatoes!!
totally fall in love with the fries there!! totally awesome!

after brunch then we just walk around in asian avenue and we try out the clothes there's fun trying out but the clothes there are nice as well..but brought to many cny clothes already have to control my self stop my self from buying so many clothes!! i totally need a job man!! to get money and buy the things i like haha!! went to F-Block boutique again and saw this lovely dress!! OMG I TOTALLY FALL IN LOVE WITH THAT DRESS!! feel want to buy it!! and it's only cost RM41 only after a 50% discount from original price RM89!! OMG!! totally in love with it man!!

a normal dress but it's totally AWESOME!!
really very love it so much but i scare i dont have
any place or function to wear it...sad!!
but really love it so much...OH NO!!
hope can ppl buy for me haha...(jk)
should i but or should i not!! ARGH!!!!

haiz...thinking of should i but a not while shopping at other we went to Fame near the cinema...the clothes there are quite nice and it's on 50% - 70% sales!! OMG!!! feel like buying all of them!! haha...saw some tees as well..the tees design are quite nice as well...a lot of funny and lovely quotes on the tees and even bad words as well lol!!

me and the picture is so blur!!!

we were like having a fashion show
after 1 another taking photo of our self in different clothes haha!!
it was fun as well!!...

it's my time to shine!! imagining camera flash everywhere
crowd screaming on my walking down the red carpet
signing signature for other people..waving my hand to others
with a lovely nice fashionable dress that i!!
man i do know how to dream!!! haha

i love this picture man!! best picture of the day!!

brought a few tees as well..when it's tea time around 3 or 4 we decide to have some dessert...feels like quite long i dint have dessert already...we walk around almost the whole pyramid to find yougurtberries and we cant find it so we ask the people at the infomation and they say it was close down..OMG!! close down!! WHY!!?? i want eat the dessert there leh!! so bad and make us keep on looking for it..haiz!! so we just went back to asian avenue the snowy for some dessert...

manggo with sago pudding!! awesome! totally sweet
and there is manggo on it!!

after that we went to kitschen for the fun of it haha...cause the mirror there look like a magazine cover and it's really went there and check it out..the clothes there are so expensive man...hundred over just for a top OMG crazy...i went there just because of the mirror and i wanted to take picture we went in there and purposely try out the clothes and take pictures haha! really looks like a magazine cover..haha and here are the models...haha

love the black dress that i'm wearing...OMG i'm still thinking about whether should i buy that dress i saw in F-Block the dress is so nice!! i really want to have it..but who can buy for me haha jus kidding...really hope that someone brought for me and i will really thanks that person haha (just kidding) ahha...damn should i buy the dress??!! should i?? ARGH!! STRESSING NOW LOL!! should i buy or dont buy?? haiz...

Sunday, January 17

gathering for SHOPPING!!

when time square again for you can say i'm not tired of shopping in time square cause everything there is cheap and nice clothes to to shop there get some nice clothes for like events, outing or even having a very big family dinner..went there with simon, nelson, kah yin, cass, yuki, wai keen, joshua and the others i don really remember their name and i just met them today so cant blame me about haha!! reach there also around 3 something and kah yin was so hungry so we went to penang village for late full with people man!!..and is a sunday so definately...and of cause shop for CNY clothings as well haha...

CNY decorations in was okay...the road near time square
was decorate with sakura flower so nice!! and the big cny lanterns as was nice!

til 4 something and we were off for shopping!!..simon and nelson brought clothes and us girls just brought bags and shoe!! love the shoe i brought!! DAMN LOVE IT!!

nice?? nice got heels too!! like 2 inch heels like that finally found the shoe that i wanted so long!! was finding everywhere and went everywhere as well and i finally found it!! and it was just at time square ALL THIS WHILE!!...crazy man..i've been everywhere seriously like every where and i could not find what i wanted and i have been time square for 3 times already and i finally found you!! my CNY shopping is almost complete!! hooray!!

simon and nelson like having a fashion show trying out the clothes in a shop name magma i think dont remember...all the shops there are like that we girls do have taste for guys clothes...awesome!! we girls have taste in girls and guys clothes ain't it cool?!! we girls are like multi in everything thats why being a girl is the best!! GIRLS RULES!!!  hey girls give me 'five'!!..walked around to find cass 'college bag' finally she found 1 with bears on looks nice guys if you want any opinion for ur clothings just ask us girls!! will tell you which to match and which to not!! haha

Thursday, January 14

CNY deco in pyramid!

have video production class today...and the room is so freaking cold!! even with jackets on it's still cold...cant stand it..i wander how the guys in my class stand it...i just like asking silly question...of they can man...i already said their "GUYS" silly me..haiz...after class walked all the way to pos office to collect my package and went to pyramid for birthday shopping haha..pass by the lower ground and saw the CHINESE NEW YEAR decorations and is kinda like childish man...check the picture below!!

the 2 lion gruading the door like the olden days...
from the side looks cute but from the side is kinda ugly haha!!

from this side looks like a rat lol..."Rat?" wow
we got back in time to the year of the

the stage surround with little stalls like what in china do
in the oldens days...but other comments is kinda cute also..
cant wait to go mid valley or pavillion to check out the decorations!


happy thanks to people who viewed my blog to a totall number of 1400
people!! just took a few months to blog and it has
finally reach to a thousand over viewer to my blog!!


i hope my blog's stories and event allows you guys to
worth reading and comment on the post!!
 i will keep updating my blog and let it stay active
for you guys my budds to see what i've been through
my life..the up's and down's in me...
that's why i name my blog as...


well actually is my LIFE but i change to LIVE because
when u read it sounds the same...but the spelling is definately different
thats what i'm going show you by posting up some post
to see how different i am compare to other girls lol
i will keep on blogging and will not let you down...


Wednesday, January 13


STAY MY BABY by Miranda Cosgrove

Summerlove isn't meant to be
And it's only fantasy
That's what everyone's telling me
Stay my baby

Even though it's a little rushed
Let me know that you'll keep in touch
If you don't it'll hurt too much
Stay my baby

Oohooh Tell me right now
Oohooh How it's going down

Everything will be okay
Everything will be alright
I know that it will go my way
If you stay my baby (stay my baby)
I'm never gonna give you up
I'm never gonna have enough
So now 'til forever
Stay my baby (stay my baby)

Now that I've gone back to school
All I do is think of you
Sitting up here in my room
Going crazy

But then you call
Gets me through it all
Every time I hear you say
Stay my baby

Everything will be okay
Everything will be alright
I know that it will go my way
If you stay my baby (stay my baby)
I'm never gonna give you up
I'm never gonna have enough
So now 'til forever
Stay my baby (stay my baby)

Stay my baby -- Stay my baby (Ohoh ohoh)
Stay my baby -- Stay my baby

Tell me right now
How it's going down

Everything will be okay
Everything will be alright
I know that it will go my way
If you stay my baby (stay my baby)
I'm never gonna give you up
I'm never gonna have enough
So now 'til forever
Stay my baby (stay my baby)

Stay my baby (Stay my baby)
Stay my baby (Stay my baby)
Stay my baby
No, I'm never gonna give you up
I'm never gonna have enough
So now 'til forever
Stay my baby
Stay my baby

dedicate to you and all the lovers out there!♥

Tuesday, January 12

luckiest day EVER!!

OH MY GOD!! i almost wake up late today!..rush my self to get ready for college when i wanted to go down stairs my dad left already how sad was that and my mom just went out for a jog in the park...i was thinking to my 'OH NO' the only choice was to sit bus to college and at the time i went out was like 8:20 already i was really scared that i miss a bus...but i was not..OH HOW LUCKY ME!! when i reach the bus stop the bus was coming towards me "HOW LUCKY WAS THAT" and off to college!!

 bag of the week

reach college around 8:40 thats fast...i thought it will be jam but it wasn't the traffic was smooth and clean...really HOW LUCKY WAS I TODAY!! i thought i was late for class but in the end the lecturer was late then us haha...well his excuse was jam lol...everyone sure say that..cos summit there the traffic is like hell...have to wait for so long just to get out of there..haiz...haha...1 thing about having class in the early morning is that is jam and i cant wake up that early..not use to the morning snooze...aiks! and the other thing is that it finish early so the rest of the day is free so i can go anywhere after that haha...awesome!!

pic of me in a pony tail haha

having digital imaging for today the room is so cold...and is morning so i will be like freezing in the morning for this whole sem...OMG i need to find some cargdian or jacket already...where to find? hmmm? after the class went to summit accompany my friend racheal i meet her in research and marketing class last sem...have lunch in summit then is off to time square for CNY shopping!! awesome...OH MY GOD!! in the bus to kl central was a total boredom man!! there is no music and all are just talking talking talking!!...but at least racheal was there to accompany me is not i thing i die of boredom man haha... (is that possible?? don know haha!!)

ticket to time square..

reach there around 1 so early that we walked the whole time square til 3 something...saw a lot of nice clothing and shoes but have to resist the temptation and brought some clothing as well...that's what happen that you are a shopaholic and love clothes, shoes and everything...that's part of girls life anyway...finally brought 2 dresses that i been looking nice affortable!! lucky i plan my shopping list if not you will see me with 2 hands full of shopping bags man haha...well thats me save money and spend money to the things i need of cause i have to plan my way i wont get bankrup and having things that i dont need haha...

brought this lovely dress finally i found YOU!!

after shopping went to sungai wang for mcdonalds ice cream and walk around but dint buy anything so decide to go back after and is like 4 something and feels like it's gonna rain...but lucky we reach home before it starts to rain and of cause i'm gonna say it again LUCKY US!! when on the way back to my house saw the clouds just right above my house it's kinda pretty the clouds...but too bad i dont have my camera with me so i use my lousy phone haiz..-.-...sad man...should always carry a camera in my bag if not will miss out something when it happen haha...

nice right...but may be it looks different in my phone picture...

a light in the dark clouds

it seems like darkness is arriving to us...with the darkest cloud with a little hope of light just shining through the darkness clouds...haha...when i was taking this photo 1 of the neighbour looking at me i feel so weird once i when in to the house and it just starts to rain HOW LUCKY WAS THAT!! I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS DAY A PART OF MY LIFE!! THE LUCKIEST DAY EVER!!

Monday, January 11

new start!!

new sem starts today and is was normal like always but is going to be my last 2 sem hoorray!!! awesome soon i will be graduate and off to work then who knows? haha!! got my results today...omg is so scary...i really thought i'm going to get F for my animation...damn scary weh...i got 1 A, 4 B and 1 C...haiz the results is okay i guess just that C make my CGPA drop...ARGH!!! i dont want my CGPA drop!!

so heart break when i see my results very very sad...haiz...but at least i improve in some other subjects haha cool right? haha...saw all my college freinds and my coursemates as well...they look good and happy dont know why haha...well is nice to have friends like them even when your sad they still cheer you up!! haha...anyway when to my first class is short film workshop where you have to do a short film for 15minutes and definately is a grouping and our films can go for contest as well...haha awesome Awesome AWESOME!!

is really awesome to be part of film or entertainment industry...even is a no day or night job but is awesome that i can say haha!!

Sunday, January 10

first changes starts!

hi guys!! how are you guys my beloved friends!! well as my previous post was about changing myself in 2010...there is a new change in me!! and is i have a new guitar HOORAY!! finally i have my own personal guitar that i can play with it learn with it!! took me so long to persuate my dad to give me a guitar and is finally here!!...

a whole new change in my life is here and started!! awesome! now is not the old me that u guys known..but is the new ME comes with awesome and new things for you guys to know more about me and notice more about me haha (just kidding) lol why i want more people to notice about me is not like i want to be popular...haha...

Friday, January 8

changing for good!!

i'm totally changing for good!! changing from inside out! my personality, my image...the whole me is going to change either for the good or bad i'm gonna change!!...change my wardrobe, change my personal and change my habits, change my ways of doing thing, oh and even change my hair style too!! i'm gonna cut it short!! when i have the time i guess haha...OMG!! i'm so so hungry now! having a no carboh diet for two weeks i cant really take it!! i'm so hungry now!! no carboh fro two weeks i dont think i can take that long and i just barely ppass my first day of my diet....

i wonder how the model did it man!! well there is a new aim of my life that is study well do awesome in my college and get a job in applebox asia production or applebox asia casting and next dream is to be a model and i have to focus on my aim towards my goal!!

GAMBATEH JU ANN!! I KNOW I CAN DO IT!! well i guess i need to suffer before i can always...leon was right the first 3 days will be suffering..already the first day is such a torture!! i cant have any carboh for a day is so so hard! and my house is full of ALL THE NICE TEMPTING FOOD EVERYWHERE!!! i cant stand it but I HAVE TOO!! oh nO!!!

Thursday, January 7

shooting with korean celebs!!!

omg!! wake up so early today for shooting at titiwangsa lake for a korean ads!! so excited and sleepy...not so use to wake up so early...the most early is like 10 or 11 am like that lol haha...Blue come to my house like 6am in the morning OMG so early and i wasn't fully ready yet!!...(oh and yes Blue is a person's name if you guys don't understand haha) anyway i was so frighten he drive so so so fast in highway just to reach titiwangsa's lake and when we reach there the whole crew is there setting up the sets and just wait for the celebs to come!! so early reach there also dont know do what just see there looking at each other and talking!! the celeb only come at 7 something and we are all set for the shoot!!

totally awesome man!! now i can say i never regret taking video and animetion for my diploma...cause this want i wanted my life to be...wake up in the morning, setting up the sets, meet the celebs saying 'action' and 'cut' like the director...just like in holloywood i love to in the scene with everyone with same interest making a movie or tvc or ads!! just like hollywoods...i can just say it againit was totally AWESOME!!!

part of the set

they still setting up the sets!!

i get to be with the KOREAN CELEBS TODAY!!! how awesome is that!!! lucky day ever!!! too bad i dint get to know her name and i just know that she is very very famous thats to find out her name!! definately!!! finding!! finding!! haha!!

we were resting and getting ready again for the shoot!!

my old friend..out from the blue the morning i keep thinking whether is it her a not...cause she look so different then last time...she also have the same thinking as i am...but finally i have the guts to ask her whether she is su teng a not and yes she is!! my old and best friend when we were kids and we were in the same group in kotekitai!! i meet my old and very very long lost friend that we totally never keep in contact cos we were still young that time and no cellphone haha!!

the director is the guy sitting on the left side of the photo...
he is cool and friendly i cant believe a director that friendly lol

i dint get close to him to take his picture cause i kinda scare they ask me to delete all my photo's that i took i curi curi take and besides cant see their face also haha...they have took many shots already and it wasn't enough!! haha...we just resting again after a few shots cause is hot under the sun!!

aiyak the camera is just right there and the guy block my view!!

wow their camera is so big man!! bigger then the want we use for our assignment as well...u can say double the size and needed a trolley to carry it for track shot and hand held shot haha!! totally very huge and big man...need at least 2 people to carry it haha!! and the film is big not likr what we use a casset haha...i wonder how much they spent man!! haha..thousand over?? (think, think) DUH!! OF CAUSE!! HAHA!!

the camera man and his assistant!!
 hehe this is my time to take picture of the celebs in the scene in the production!!

the person running on the track is the celebs!!
sorry for the blur picture cause i was very far!!

sorry guys i dint get to snap the celebs picture haha but anyway i can that how celebs have to go through their life full with busy schedule!! haha

other picture of the celebs!!

when we were having lunch the celebs are still doing the shoots
pity them when we can relax and they just work work work haha!!
hard to be like them....

we spent almost the whole day there...from morning at 6 til evening at 6 as well...tiring man!! under the hot sun and coldzy winds but they have done their shots and is off to editing the a none stop working working in the sets...people moving up and down for equipments and you just cant keep te director like u have to be fast fast fast!!! the last shot was at the fountain and the director call is warp!! and everyone claps and cheers for a wonderful and successful shooting for the day!! everyone will be busy packing up the sets and so many truck was there...and many big equipment there too!!

snap a shot of the big set lights and the crew

look at the trucks and even a truck can be change to a dreesing room

reach home around 8 something...and i told my parents all about what happen today and i'm going to tell all my friends as was totally fun fun fun and of cause is work also!!