Tuesday, January 5

so excited!!

haha i'm so excited about tomorrow!!
well first is going shopping with gwen...again...and second of all i'm
going to meet up my very old tuition mate also can say
a high school friend but not in the same school!!!
haha we went to the same tuition place near my house
and we know each other since then but we lost contact after PMR exam...
i wonder whats has he been doing all this while is been very long
i mean very long as in 4 YEARS ALREADY
OMG!! is been so long already...haha so excited to see him again!!
my long lost friend!!

is like a mystery for tomorrow!! i wonder how he looks now
is it the same cute baby face as always
or change...AWWW...i really miss his cute baby face
i wonder he still have it or may be more mature?? hmm?? thinking??
i so so want to know!! haha...tomorrow i'm
gonna take lots and lots of picture with him as a memory
well u wont know when we can meet again...
gonna charge my camera battery for tomorrow!! especially TOMORROW!!


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