Saturday, January 30

photo shooting!!!

woke up at 8:45am today OMG!! my eyes is so damn damn tired!! i got a morning call from ieyla that is so embarrassing people call me to wake up and remind me that today we have photo shooting OMG!!...haha but she really is a good friend man! an awesome want  that u can really joke around and fool around up and get myself ready but my things are not..i been changing bags from yesterday night til morning and i cant decide which bag cos i have so many things need to bring like make up sets, some nice wardrobe and accessories as well all this for my friends studio lighting assignment haha...thats what i love it man!! a course with full course works no papers work anymore!! but there is 1 or 2 haha...

reach college at 10 something and they already set up the lightings and camera and just waiting for my friend kah yin (the model..definately an awesome model and a nice friend) to reach and so we could start the shooting....she with all dress up and we could just shoot...i help out to the lighting man(girl) and managind the props...she was totally awesome!! she is pretty and cool...she could be the best model around!! she is totally photogenic!! so lucky she could model for my friends assignment haha...there is lots of round taking photos of her and changing different clothes and poses...

michelle yin!! pretty right?! of cause very pretty!!

love her pose!! an awesome model!!

after the shooting we just take a few photos for fun
haha!! definately have to!!

me and ieyla hehe

omg!! they ask me to become a model as well??!! what!! omg i so shy and i'm not a model aiks!! they talk me in to it and michelle help me to make up and i just get dress thats all haha it's just all of a sudden only aiks so embarassing la haha...

thats me!! omg i look so different aiks!

i like this the most!! haha!!


we finish our shooting at like 1 something wow it's totally tiring man just a shooting it can make us so tired!! and i have not enough sleep some more...can see my panda eyes very dark and big =.= all thanks to justin asking me to help him do this video haiz...but never mind...he gonna treat me a meal haha...have free meal awesome haha!! eh justin have to win also!! cause you promise you win then will treat me expensive food!! SO YOU MUST WIN!! HAHA!! good luck!!...

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