Wednesday, January 6

just catching up!!

awesome day ever!! went to time square today...reach time square at 1pm and we just walk around first to wait for jason...haha...happy to see him..he looks so different!!!OMG!! i got so nervous to meet of cause we dint see each other so long and u sure will have got a little nervous meeting up an old friend of yours...haha his cute cute cue!! his cutenest is there but got pimples on it haha...well he still cute as always that why he ask us does his still look like 16 lol and we answer yup most likely hahah!! he is so active man totally different then last time haha...we went to zakura there for japanese food!! awesome love japanese food ever!!...

gwen meal set!!

jason's set meal!!

my set meal!! look there is sushi there yumm!!
my favourite food!! sushi!!!

look at the lovely cups!!! japanese girls in old tradition clothes!!
look so nice awesome!!

look at jason it his first time eating japanese food?
haha...seems he doesn't really know how to eat soba noodles haha

we chat and chat keep on chating about life, college, assignments and nice to talk about all this...nice to talk with him too...hehe...but there a bit silence as well when we were eating like no topic to talk about haha...after lunch we when shopping and we were looking for clothes and shoes he seems a bit bored and a bit weird he keep hitting the shoes on his palm is kinda weird haha...but anyway it saw fun hehe...we went three place time square, sungai wang and low yat!!...but need to go sungai wang again cause i dint get to buy my new year clothes sad...dont worry there will be another time haha!!

til then bye guys!! will update more soon....will tell you more about my life the misery and happiness in my life...the ups and downs, the good and bad, the happy and sad moments!!

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