Tuesday, January 5

shopping day!!

finally can go shopping with gwen already!! waited for her for almost a week and she is finally back at subang and we plan that this whole week is for SHOPPING!! we two are shopaholic...well also that chinese new year is almost here and is a whole new year so there will be new things in our wardrobe!! awesome!! haha!!....first we went pyramid...thought of watching avartar 3d but no time so i dint get to watch but she going to watch with her bf and their friends...so nice!! i want to watch again....

went to snowy for a rest after wandering around asian avenue...the things there are affortable and in good sales and condition but dont know why my friend say is a 'lala place' like for 'lala people'...is it?? but i dont feel that way...i brought things from there as well means i'm also a 'lala'...well i dont know..i just shop only haha!!

we went to F-block and we spent quite some time in there trying out clothes and just playing around like pretent that we are models and just like going through the wardrobe with full of amazing clothes!! awesome!! love the dress tried out many of them and i love them all and it have 50% for every item in the store awesome!!

i brought this pink dress!! finally to have a pink dress!!

nice and cool waist belt..going to wear on Chinese new year!!

going shopping again on wednesday not sure where but this time will take lots lots pictures hehe!!!

see you there!!

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