Friday, January 8

changing for good!!

i'm totally changing for good!! changing from inside out! my personality, my image...the whole me is going to change either for the good or bad i'm gonna change!!...change my wardrobe, change my personal and change my habits, change my ways of doing thing, oh and even change my hair style too!! i'm gonna cut it short!! when i have the time i guess haha...OMG!! i'm so so hungry now! having a no carboh diet for two weeks i cant really take it!! i'm so hungry now!! no carboh fro two weeks i dont think i can take that long and i just barely ppass my first day of my diet....

i wonder how the model did it man!! well there is a new aim of my life that is study well do awesome in my college and get a job in applebox asia production or applebox asia casting and next dream is to be a model and i have to focus on my aim towards my goal!!

GAMBATEH JU ANN!! I KNOW I CAN DO IT!! well i guess i need to suffer before i can always...leon was right the first 3 days will be suffering..already the first day is such a torture!! i cant have any carboh for a day is so so hard! and my house is full of ALL THE NICE TEMPTING FOOD EVERYWHERE!!! i cant stand it but I HAVE TOO!! oh nO!!!

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