Tuesday, January 12

luckiest day EVER!!

OH MY GOD!! i almost wake up late today!..rush my self to get ready for college when i wanted to go down stairs my dad left already how sad was that and my mom just went out for a jog in the park...i was thinking to my 'OH NO' the only choice was to sit bus to college and at the time i went out was like 8:20 already i was really scared that i miss a bus...but i was not..OH HOW LUCKY ME!! when i reach the bus stop the bus was coming towards me "HOW LUCKY WAS THAT" and off to college!!

 bag of the week

reach college around 8:40 thats fast...i thought it will be jam but it wasn't the traffic was smooth and clean...really HOW LUCKY WAS I TODAY!! i thought i was late for class but in the end the lecturer was late then us haha...well his excuse was jam lol...everyone sure say that..cos summit there the traffic is like hell...have to wait for so long just to get out of there..haiz...haha...1 thing about having class in the early morning is that is jam and i cant wake up that early..not use to the morning snooze...aiks! and the other thing is that it finish early so the rest of the day is free so i can go anywhere after that haha...awesome!!

pic of me in a pony tail haha

having digital imaging for today class...wow the room is so cold...and is morning so i will be like freezing in the morning for this whole sem...OMG i need to find some cargdian or jacket already...where to find? hmmm? after the class went to summit accompany my friend racheal i meet her in research and marketing class last sem...have lunch in summit then is off to time square for CNY shopping!! awesome...OH MY GOD!! in the bus to kl central was a total boredom man!! there is no music and all are just talking talking talking!!...but at least racheal was there to accompany me is not i thing i die of boredom man haha... (is that possible?? don know haha!!)

ticket to time square..

reach there around 1 so early that we walked the whole time square til 3 something...saw a lot of nice clothing and shoes but have to resist the temptation and brought some clothing as well...that's what happen that you are a shopaholic and love clothes, shoes and everything...that's part of girls life anyway...finally brought 2 dresses that i been looking for..is nice affortable!! lucky i plan my shopping list if not you will see me with 2 hands full of shopping bags man haha...well thats me haha...to save money and spend money to the things i need of cause i have to plan my way through...so i wont get bankrup and having things that i dont need haha...

brought this lovely dress finally i found YOU!!

after shopping went to sungai wang for mcdonalds ice cream and walk around but dint buy anything so decide to go back after and is like 4 something and feels like it's gonna rain...but lucky we reach home before it starts to rain and of cause i'm gonna say it again LUCKY US!! when on the way back to my house saw the clouds just right above my house it's kinda pretty the clouds...but too bad i dont have my camera with me so i use my lousy phone haiz..-.-...sad man...should always carry a camera in my bag if not will miss out something when it happen haha...

nice right...but may be it looks different in my phone picture...

a light in the dark clouds

it seems like darkness is arriving to us...with the darkest cloud with a little hope of light just shining through the darkness clouds...haha...when i was taking this photo 1 of the neighbour looking at me i feel so weird man...lol once i when in to the house and it just starts to rain HOW LUCKY WAS THAT!! I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS DAY A PART OF MY LIFE!! THE LUCKIEST DAY EVER!!

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