Sunday, January 24

sshhh sshhh...

hey loves yeah you know is sunday and is very quite in the house...i wonder why sunday is always like that...usually my house will be full of noise but today is quite i don know why but i can get use to it and I LOVE IT!! no noise no arguements going on AND MOST IMPORTANT that is YOU WONT HEAR HER NAGGING!! how AWESOME is totally free from that!!...the house is just me and my laptop and my mom with the music on and is just so relaxing man!!

i totally can get use to this man!! just like a dream quiteness in the air awesome awesome!!! i dont have to worry about anything and enjoy the rest of the hour haha!! my dream have finally come!! see prayers do get answer haha!! thank you THANK YOU!!! but i only can enjoy it for few hours only..haiz...but it's nice while it last...enjoying the peaceful in the living room i downloading songs haha!! is like tones of song i'm downloading i think i need to download somg CNY songs already my dad is like keep on playing the same old song again and again...aiks so outdated already need to change change!!...

omg talking about CNY i need to clean my room for CNY is coming oh no....have to start already okay guys i blog til here...need to clean up my room edi bye guys love all!!

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