Thursday, January 14

CNY deco in pyramid!

have video production class today...and the room is so freaking cold!! even with jackets on it's still cold...cant stand it..i wander how the guys in my class stand it...i just like asking silly question...of they can man...i already said their "GUYS" silly me..haiz...after class walked all the way to pos office to collect my package and went to pyramid for birthday shopping haha..pass by the lower ground and saw the CHINESE NEW YEAR decorations and is kinda like childish man...check the picture below!!

the 2 lion gruading the door like the olden days...
from the side looks cute but from the side is kinda ugly haha!!

from this side looks like a rat lol..."Rat?" wow
we got back in time to the year of the

the stage surround with little stalls like what in china do
in the oldens days...but other comments is kinda cute also..
cant wait to go mid valley or pavillion to check out the decorations!

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