Friday, January 22

disappointed yet happy

so disappointed @.@ i went back pyramid to buy the dress i was and love when i reach there and try back the dress and ask the sales girl and they say it was the last want!!! OH NO!!! i was so diappointed man!!..then i try ask the manager whether they do have any other stock left and they say got OH MY GOD!! my smile was back again!! they say they have to wait for the other retails to send the dress over and they will call me back!! I"M SO HAPPY!! haha...before waiting for their answer about the dress my eyes was on another dress...hehehe...the dress is so cute!! but it was the last want how sad was that again T.T....but the manager say it was a brand new want so i just believe her and brought the dress!! awesome man!!! finally my cny clothes collection are completed!! but i have to wait for the dress i been looking for and wait for their call and all i need to look for now is the accessories to go with my collection of clothes!! hooray!!!

when back to mydin to meet up my mom and while she was shopping for gorceries i went to the accessesories department to find some to go with my cny clothings...and i found a sunglasses since mine have broken and a watch...but i still cant find the belt i'm looking for i wonder where go sell nice waist belt..i was the 1 in f-block but i dint get to ask the sales girl whether they have stock left a not haiz...sad again...continue to find the belt i'm looking for haha!!

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