Monday, January 11

new start!!

new sem starts today and is was normal like always but is going to be my last 2 sem hoorray!!! awesome soon i will be graduate and off to work then who knows? haha!! got my results today...omg is so scary...i really thought i'm going to get F for my animation...damn scary weh...i got 1 A, 4 B and 1 C...haiz the results is okay i guess just that C make my CGPA drop...ARGH!!! i dont want my CGPA drop!!

so heart break when i see my results very very sad...haiz...but at least i improve in some other subjects haha cool right? haha...saw all my college freinds and my coursemates as well...they look good and happy dont know why haha...well is nice to have friends like them even when your sad they still cheer you up!! haha...anyway when to my first class is short film workshop where you have to do a short film for 15minutes and definately is a grouping and our films can go for contest as well...haha awesome Awesome AWESOME!!

is really awesome to be part of film or entertainment industry...even is a no day or night job but is awesome that i can say haha!!

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