Thursday, January 7

shooting with korean celebs!!!

omg!! wake up so early today for shooting at titiwangsa lake for a korean ads!! so excited and sleepy...not so use to wake up so early...the most early is like 10 or 11 am like that lol haha...Blue come to my house like 6am in the morning OMG so early and i wasn't fully ready yet!!...(oh and yes Blue is a person's name if you guys don't understand haha) anyway i was so frighten he drive so so so fast in highway just to reach titiwangsa's lake and when we reach there the whole crew is there setting up the sets and just wait for the celebs to come!! so early reach there also dont know do what just see there looking at each other and talking!! the celeb only come at 7 something and we are all set for the shoot!!

totally awesome man!! now i can say i never regret taking video and animetion for my diploma...cause this want i wanted my life to be...wake up in the morning, setting up the sets, meet the celebs saying 'action' and 'cut' like the director...just like in holloywood i love to in the scene with everyone with same interest making a movie or tvc or ads!! just like hollywoods...i can just say it againit was totally AWESOME!!!

part of the set

they still setting up the sets!!

i get to be with the KOREAN CELEBS TODAY!!! how awesome is that!!! lucky day ever!!! too bad i dint get to know her name and i just know that she is very very famous thats to find out her name!! definately!!! finding!! finding!! haha!!

we were resting and getting ready again for the shoot!!

my old friend..out from the blue the morning i keep thinking whether is it her a not...cause she look so different then last time...she also have the same thinking as i am...but finally i have the guts to ask her whether she is su teng a not and yes she is!! my old and best friend when we were kids and we were in the same group in kotekitai!! i meet my old and very very long lost friend that we totally never keep in contact cos we were still young that time and no cellphone haha!!

the director is the guy sitting on the left side of the photo...
he is cool and friendly i cant believe a director that friendly lol

i dint get close to him to take his picture cause i kinda scare they ask me to delete all my photo's that i took i curi curi take and besides cant see their face also haha...they have took many shots already and it wasn't enough!! haha...we just resting again after a few shots cause is hot under the sun!!

aiyak the camera is just right there and the guy block my view!!

wow their camera is so big man!! bigger then the want we use for our assignment as well...u can say double the size and needed a trolley to carry it for track shot and hand held shot haha!! totally very huge and big man...need at least 2 people to carry it haha!! and the film is big not likr what we use a casset haha...i wonder how much they spent man!! haha..thousand over?? (think, think) DUH!! OF CAUSE!! HAHA!!

the camera man and his assistant!!
 hehe this is my time to take picture of the celebs in the scene in the production!!

the person running on the track is the celebs!!
sorry for the blur picture cause i was very far!!

sorry guys i dint get to snap the celebs picture haha but anyway i can that how celebs have to go through their life full with busy schedule!! haha

other picture of the celebs!!

when we were having lunch the celebs are still doing the shoots
pity them when we can relax and they just work work work haha!!
hard to be like them....

we spent almost the whole day there...from morning at 6 til evening at 6 as well...tiring man!! under the hot sun and coldzy winds but they have done their shots and is off to editing the a none stop working working in the sets...people moving up and down for equipments and you just cant keep te director like u have to be fast fast fast!!! the last shot was at the fountain and the director call is warp!! and everyone claps and cheers for a wonderful and successful shooting for the day!! everyone will be busy packing up the sets and so many truck was there...and many big equipment there too!!

snap a shot of the big set lights and the crew

look at the trucks and even a truck can be change to a dreesing room

reach home around 8 something...and i told my parents all about what happen today and i'm going to tell all my friends as was totally fun fun fun and of cause is work also!!

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