Friday, September 4

boring?? i guess not...

morning wake up to early edi got eye bags edi....all because of yesterday din sleep yet something fell down and gave a loud sound til i cant sleep thought that some one is inside the room....morning wake up and get ready to go school and took a picture of my eye bag sooo big 0.0!!!

haiz...was almost late for class and i still waiting for my mom to fetch me go college but she is in the bathroom and i waited for 15 minutes just to get out from the house...haiz...while i was waiting i took another picture of me (hehe)....too bright edi the picture (hehe)

i was late to school when i went in to my class my group member wasn't there i was alone for a while til azlan came so as benny we discuss about our production "hang tuah vs hang jebat with malaysia brand asadi" hehehehe....our production is next week will upload the video and picture another production to come bring it on man!

after class i when to buy some steam bun for my lunch later on when to century pub to meet my with my frens...they were playing snooker again -.- haiz....there you see justin again playing snooker cool post dude...haha go Jym go you sure can win haha...

haha why are you hugging the stick like that...too focus edi la...chill chill go Jym go i support you...hehe justin is teaching jym how to play snooker bad guy teach good guy play snooker the end is jym win over justin at the last round....

later on we went back to justin apartment and try to help him with his design and i fell asleep on his bed and they doose off to play online games and it was so loud i got shocked and woke up and at the end i continue to sleep haha...til 5 only wake up and we went swimming together...soo bad they bully me in the water...haiz..always get bullied my others haiz...haha

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