Sunday, September 27

mc donalds for dinner??

this feels weird..ok who are you and what you done to my dad.?? haha my dad was asking what are we going to have for dinner and my mom say anything...when he say lets go eat mc donalds my bro jump out from his chair and and say YES YES YES dad look at his so suprise and ask us go take bath...we reach taipan and my dad ask what to eat my bro say thought we going to eat mc donalds he thinks that my dad change his mind but at the end we went to mc donalds as plan..ahaha

this is my quater pounder haha it's big though..everyone have a set meal..we ordered the mc value meal

me and my bro one hand holding ice cream the other holding coke haha..

smile happy...looks of ppl looking us walking around both hands holding mc donalds food...i was thinking sure will gain weight that we one hand eating ice cream and the other drink coke..haha we went to a pet shop to buy something for bo cos he has a big problem with tick sad...

and i saw this dog so cute and i feel it's feeling kinda the cage waiting for an owner to buy him so sad...

it's looking away so cute

a golden retriver in a's eyes are sad...feels like it's crying...sob sob it makes me cry as well

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