Monday, September 7

mc donalds

my mom ask us what are we going to have lunch today and my sis lets have mcdonalds and my mom agree to least something different for sis drive us out to mcdonalds and me and my bro went down to buy them...we ordered 3 sets of mcdonalds...

i ordered filled on fish set sis and my bro wanted mc mom doesn't want them so we share them together...i guess no more mcdonalds for awhile..have alot of mcdonalds meal this two months need to go on a strike on mcdonalds for the rest of the month now...and to exercise out the fatty acid in my body ahahaha XD!!!hahaha

was doing my assignment while eating cause i want to slowly enjoy and do at the same time so i dont bored of it...nice? is a little man i'm not finish yet need to adjust more and add some meaterials and effect on them...and in the end it will soon become naruto..hahaha (i hope so).....

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