Tuesday, September 8

my first time...after so long...

OMG is my first time driving...it saw fun i even laugh went i get into the car...the instructor tell me everything from the begining and i try to drive...driving is going smoothly just tat when it comes to the hill with the clarge i get stuck...haha...it was so embarerassing..>.<>

having a rest and was walking to the restroom i saw a frog liying down i tot i wasn't dead and i walk up to him his dead..poor frog..hope you will reincaneted to the next world...poor frog i almost step it when i dint notice...i move him to one side so no one can step him...

thats the car i drove...nice...it's small but easy to drive even the instructor say i very good for my first time driving haha...will try my best GAMBATEH!!

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