Thursday, September 17

a nice dinner with family

once i reach outside my house door i saw my aunt's car...i went in side the house give hugs and kisses to my aunts and saw my sis and my mom preparing dinner i hurry up and took a photo of the salmon...look at the salmon lying there haven cook yet...hehe..

yummy salmon just sitting there being soak in the spices...

in the oven toasting the garlic bread and potatoes...

mushroon are going to be strie fried

we set the table and get ready the food...we have starters our salad..

my bro and aunt

my aunt, grandma and my other aunt

we have wain for our drink and soup goes with the salad

one of my favourite drink..'sua'

everyone have the same dish..look at the salmon and the salad so yummy yummy

everyone dig in...hand with fork and knife sound every where...chatting goes around and laughter in the air...hehe a wonderful dinner you can say...hehe

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