Tuesday, September 15

restaurant and pub

today is monday and class finish up at 2 so i over to summit as usual to have lunch with friends..we went to thai so long din go to thai there and eat edi..is like nothing to eat there...my friend that sitted in front of me like when crazy edi...his like blabbing everything out and keep saying those bad words..i was like could you just shut your dirty mouth??!!...he wasn't like this sometime he was much better before dont know what happen to him already...haiz feel pity for him...boring...after lunch i just walk around in summit shopping!! hehe i spent there like an hour to shop the things i wan...but there is not much to shop so just took the bus and went home...reach home at 4 something and went to bath...later on my say that one of our cousin is going to treat us for dinner i was happy i told my mom not to cook we are going out to eat...we went to UTOPIA at one of my other cousin's restaurant and bistro for dinner...

i ordered volka passion fruit with rabina it taste weird at first but slowly i'm use to it...

buisness was good there. You can say it almost full house and the place there it's just nice...we ordered some food that my cousin sis recommmended...and my sis and other cousin sis went next door to order pork knuckle (again?)..my dad wants to try so we have no choice...we ordered pizza..their pizza is super thin crust it's easy to eat and it taste good...

we have pan fried fish and

chicken coblue

this is our volka bottle..it's 42 below passion...nice hehe

my second cousin sis, my dad, my cousin bro, and my big cousin sis..

the pork knuckle we ordered from next door

my cousin bro come over to our tanle to have thr knuckle only...swt

so big...the bone it's already this big and we finish the whole thing...

my mom having the last bite of it...

my secong volka drink mix with lime juice and syrup..yummy and nice

we also have german sausage as well

we hang there for like hours and when it's near to 12...we just say good bye and went home..it was a lovely family evening ...really enjoy the night...hehe hoping to drink apple martini soon...can't wait to try out!!

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