Saturday, September 26


when pyramid with him today hehe...we reach pyramid at 1 something and the car park is so full we went up a few level only found a parking spot that is just nice...den went to the cinema and brought G-FORCE tickets hehe...finally can watch G-FORCE already so happy hehehe...we brought the ticket is screening at 3:30pm so we have lots of time to wonder around pyramid...

and it was lunch time and i thought of going to KIM GARY since i dint go there with him to eat there and i have the members card so why not...hehe so long dint go KIM GARY and eat already so have to go and eat there today haha..

i ordered chocolate ice ball..look at it so nice..wait til you taste sweet and it's cold as well...yummy..hehe

my desert and there is pudding in the middle and cream soup at the right

snap a picture of darren eating chocolate desert hehe..nice leh..hehe
we ordered the salmon and abalon seafood cheese bake rice set it comes with cream soup and drinks and pudding as well...i remember that pui kuan ordered this last time and i dint get to try so i ordered this time to try it...OMG!! it's really cover with double cheese and it's so yummy..just like pizza that the cheese pull so long and it dint tear..haha...yummy yummy!!

the bake rice so nice til he cant wait to eat it already haha

found a small baby octopus in the bake rice..eee i hate it look so gerly..haha..after the meal went to pay for bill i thought it will be expensive at the end it not it's only RM26 only ha. so cheap haha..lucky have the member card have 10% discount feel much better haha...later we walk around pyramid and went to the pet shop and show him the guinea pigs there so cute many people in front cant take a picture of the guinea pigs haiz..

took a snap shoot of the rabbit while it's eating

look he so shy hide itself in it's fur..hehe so cute as well after that it's time for the movie...went in to the cinema and watch G-FORCE!! shh..the movie is starting haha...enjoy watching...laugh through some scene where is funny and other people dint laugh i dont think their get what they say haha...slow reception they have haha...when the movie finish there is some ending credits that are quite funny as well after that we just walk around in asian avenue for shopping...

and i brought this dress nice has 10% of u i say why not

same goes to this jacket...i been waiting to buy this jacket for so long already finally able to buy after 1 year..haha

on the way back saw a monkey run across the streets and it climb on the tree and try to take a picture of's too fast haha...only take while its at usj 13 there is a monkey

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