Monday, September 14

german style

oh wow...i thought i was a joke but we actually went to damansara kim there to have german pork knuckle...i guess is to celebrate my parents annivesery...i totally forgot about about no wander my mom cook special food on friday night...sorry mom i dint know i forgot...forgive me..sob sob...

we arrive at EURO-DELI the shop is really's very comfy and basically pub and restaurant as dad told me that the owner it's either american or australian...cos he saw before the owner and he say he is huge and the wife it's local...i guess i saw the son...his quite handsome douth...haha...

this is me after order i just cant help myself taking picture of myself...just to remember me hehe

for starters he have bread but usually gots with the main dish

ahhh....this is the german pork knuckle we talking about....look at it so nice...

and this is the german pork ribs

my mom and dad dig in before i do...they so fast...haha

dig in guys!!!....we dont have to go all the way to germany to have german pork knuckle...we just went to damansara kim there to have german pork knuckle where my dad always tell us about's so delicious...but it's just nice...we dint order more or less...just fit us nice...yummmm i can just dream about it...

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